Easy Essential Painting Tips from Experts

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By Luciana Oliveira

Thinking of painting for a personal project but don’t know where to start? Read this article for useful tips from professionals and create your masterpiece.

When it comes to DIY projects, painting is often a crucial step. As beginners or someone with no experience, the task of painting may seem overwhelming. It is necessary to have the coloring done with utmost care and finesse.

No one likes their masterpiece being ruined with an amateur finish with shoddy paintwork. There are some instances, where certain household items like furniture and walls need a fresh coat of paint. Getting them repainted by professionals can cost a big amount of money. Therefore, many take the work of painting on themselves to reduce the cost. Whether your project is home improvements or artwork, it is wise to know some basic painting techniques. This article will discuss useful and easy painting tips from experts.

The Right Paints

Be it for redecorating your bedroom or simply for leisure painting, it is important to take into account the surface you will be painting on. Based on the surface, you will need to choose the right paint, as the porosity and absorbance of the surfaces vary. Therefore, for durability purposes, it is necessary to choose the paint that will stick to the surface, and avoid being rubbed off.

For Wood and Metal Surfaces

Furniture and other household items are prone to daily wear and tear. It is vital to select the correct paint that can withstand such depreciation. Wooden furniture requires water-based paint or one that is labeled as Wood paint. Water-based paints require less time to dry.

For most surfaces, it is better to use suitable primers before applying paint. Wood surfaces require a proper coating of primers for the colors to stick evenly and properly throughout the area. A coat of varnish after the painting is also essential for wooden surfaces.

Metal surfaces can be more challenging for painting. The smooth and slick surface of this material makes it difficult for certain paints to attach to the surface. Specialized paints for only metallic surfaces are available in stores. Therefore, go for oil-based metal paints that are more durable and resistant in harsh conditions.

However, oil-based paints take time to dry, and it can be tedious. For both metal and wood surfaces, you can use an HVLP sprayer. Knowing how to use an HVLP sprayer can be very useful and a great asset to your basic skills. Application of paint with HVLP sprays is quite easy. The best part is such application processes are very quick and efficient.

For Papers and Cardboard

Different types of paper have different porosity that is better suited with certain types of paints. For abstract home projects, an acrylic medium can be used as this type of paint is water-resistant,  and dries quickly.

Moreover,  any type of painting mistake can be covered by simply applying another layer of paint over it after it dries. Another medium is oil pastels on paper. With this medium, you can easily blend the colors and create ethereal art pieces.

Acrylics can also be applied to cardboard, and they are quite durable. You can also use watercolor for your artwork. The art piece done with watercolor is quite soothing and aesthetically pleasing.

Different techniques can be applied using watercolors. Poster colors which are a great alternative for watercolor have a higher opacity and are more intense.

For Fabric Canvases

It is well known that acrylics are all-rounders when it comes to painting. Acrylic colors look amazing on canvases and the results are quite satisfying. If you want to be a little adventurous, you can experiment with oil paints. Oil paints are quite tricky but are doable. While working with oil paints, cover the room with newspapers to protect the interiors and other surfaces from any accidents like spillage.


Primers are essential when painting on a porous surface like paper, concrete, and wood. It is vital to coat the surface with primer before starting to paint. Priming ensures a durable painting as it provides stickiness to the surface which aids the paint particles to adhere. 

It also helps to smooth out the wood grain and reduces the need for another coat of paint. Moreover, if you are working on a surface that is not resistant to water or is most likely to be exposed to harsh conditions, applying primer can make the surface less susceptible.  The primers seal the paint and also prevents any development of mold.

The surface should be cleaned before applying the paint.A painting  should be started after applying the primer. There are mainly two types of priming, oil-based and water-based. 

For painting bare drywall and wood surfaces, water-based primers are ideal.  These types of primers are ideal for surfaces that will not be susceptible to water. Hence, they are perfect for interior surfaces. Water-based primer maintains a smooth texture and prevents any crack on the surface.

Oil-based primers are ideal for surfaces that are susceptible to touch and water. The main advantage of oil primer is it protects the surface from stains like nicotine tar, water, and ink. These primers work best with oil-based paints but can be applied on various other surfaces like steel, wood, walls, and also for reapplication on painted surfaces.

Strokes and Direction

It is wise to start with small strokes. This will ensure precision and will have less room for mistakes. Once you get a hang of the flow, gradually increase the length of the strokes. With small strokes at the beginning, you will have more control over the painting.

The second point to remember is the direction of the strokes. It is best to paint in the same direction as the painting. For instance, the brush strokes while painting the branch of the tree should be in the same direction. Even while using different colors it should be in the same direction. This will ensure a nice and clean finish. The painting will also look pristine and professional.

Final Words

Whether you are redecorating your living space or working on an art piece, it is best to follow some basic rules of painting. Always remember to prime the surface before painting and use paints appropriate on different surfaces.

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Luciana joined our team as a mum blogger in 2020. A dedicated mum to a lively daughter and a dog, Luna, Luciana brings authenticity and passion to every post. Her expertise in parenting and lifestyle topics offers practical, relatable advice for real-life situations.

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