20 Fun and Easy Mama and Baby Games for Early Bonding 

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By In The Playroom

Welcoming a new baby into the world is an exciting time filled with cuddles and coos, but it can also leave many new parents wondering how to fill their days and engage with their little one. Early bonding is so important, not just for emotional connection, but also for the baby’s cognitive and social development.

Here are some simple and enjoyable games that mamas can play with their babies to foster that early bond and make the most of their time together.

mama and baby games for bonding

1. Peekaboo

This classic game is a favorite for a reason! Simply hide your face behind your hands or a small cloth and then reveal yourself with a cheerful “Peekaboo!”

Babies delight in the surprise and begin to learn the concept of object permanence—understanding that things still exist even when they can’t see them. This game is sure to elicit giggles and can be played almost anytime, anywhere.

baby peekaboo

2. High Contrast Images

Babies in their early months have limited vision, making high contrast black and white images perfect for visual stimulation.

Hold these pictures about 8 to 12 inches from your baby’s face. Move the image slowly from side to side and watch as your baby’s eyes track the movement. This not only helps with visual development but also keeps your baby engaged and curious about their surroundings.

Related: What Colors Can Babies See at One Month? Baby Color Vision Development Explained (We have some free printable high contrast images in this post…. so, if you don’t have any – now you do!)

3. Reading Board Books

It’s never too early to start reading to your baby. Choose board books with large, colorful pictures and simple text. Read in a soothing, animated voice to make the experience more captivating. This activity enhances your baby’s listening and language skills, while the close physical proximity strengthens your bond.

4. Nature Walks

Strap your baby into a stroller or a carrier and take a walk outside. Point out different things you see—trees, birds, cars, and more.

The fresh air is great for both of you, and the new sights and sounds will stimulate your baby’s senses. Talking about what you see helps your baby to connect words with objects and actions.

baby nature walks

5. Baby Massage

Gentle touch is a powerful way to soothe and bond with your baby. Use a little baby-safe oil or lotion and gently massage their arms, legs, back, and feet.

This not only relaxes your baby but can also improve circulation, digestion, and growth. It’s a peaceful activity that can be particularly effective before bedtime.

mother playing with baby

6. This Little Piggy

This playful toe game involves holding and wiggling each of your baby’s toes while saying the nursery rhyme “This little piggy went to market…” It’s an excellent way to teach rhythmic patterns and engage in tactile play. It often ends in sweet baby laughter, making it a joyful bonding experience.

mama playing with baby

7. Mirroring Expressions

Sit face-to-face with your baby and mimic their expressions and sounds. This simple interaction helps your baby learn about communication and facial expressions. It’s also a way to have a ‘conversation’ before your baby starts speaking, as they are likely to try and imitate you or respond in their own way.

8. Dance Party

Put on some gentle music and dance with your baby in your arms. Slow dancing, gentle swaying, and soft bounces can be incredibly soothing for infants. The rhythm and movement help to calm and delight your baby, while also providing a fun way for you to get a bit of light exercise.

mama and baby playing outdoors

9. Sing Songs

Singing to your baby can be a soothing and enjoyable way to bond. You don’t need a perfect pitch—just the sound of your voice is comforting to your little one.

Try lullabies, gentle nursery rhymes, or even songs from your favorite playlists. Singing introduces rhythm and can help develop your baby’s listening skills and memory.

Related: Toddler Games with Musical Shakers, for Speech and Language Development

singing and playing with baby

10. Funny Faces Game

Babies are fascinated by faces, and playing a game where you make funny faces can lead to lots of laughter and joy. Stick out your tongue, puff up your cheeks, or widen your eyes. Watch as your baby tries to imitate you or simply enjoys the spectacle.

This game helps with social development and teaches cause and effect.

baby funny face

11. Bubble Play

Babies are captivated by bubbles. Whether indoors or out, blowing bubbles can capture your baby’s attention as they watch these mysterious spheres float and pop. This simple activity encourages visual tracking and can also be a calming experience for both of you.

baby playing with bubbles

12. Soft Block Build

Stack soft blocks in front of your baby and let them knock them down. As they grow, they can try stacking them with your help. This activity enhances fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination. Plus, the cause and effect of tumbling blocks is always a hit!

baby playing with soft cubes

13. Flashlight Fun

Dim the lights and use a flashlight to cast light on the wall or ceiling. Move the light slowly and let your baby track it with their eyes. This can be mesmerizing for little ones and helps with visual tracking and concentration. Make sure the light is not too bright and avoid shining it directly into your baby’s eyes.

14. Textured Touch

Create a basket of safe, baby-friendly items with different textures—soft scarves, rubbery toys, silky ribbons. Let your baby explore the items with their hands and feet to stimulate their sense of touch. Describing the textures as they explore them also helps build vocabulary and sensory awareness.

baby feet texture mats sensory game

15. Water Play

During bath time, introduce items that float and pour water. Cups, plastic bowls, and waterproof toys can turn bath time into a fun experiment with water. This not only makes bath time enjoyable but also introduces basic concepts of physics like buoyancy and volume.

16. Tummy Time with a Mirror

Tummy time is essential for developing your baby’s neck and shoulder muscles. Make it more interesting by placing a baby-safe mirror on the floor in front of them. Babies are fascinated by their own reflections and this setup encourages them to lift their head, strengthening their upper body and improving motor skills. It also provides visual stimulation and promotes self-awareness.

baby tummy time with mirror

17. Animal Pictures and Sounds

Show your baby pictures of different animals and make the corresponding animal sounds. This activity is not only fun but educational.

As babies hear you mimic the noises, they begin to associate sounds with images, which is a foundational skill for language development. This can be done using books, flashcards, or even animal apps designed for babies.

18. Gentle Tickles

Using soft touches and gentle tickles along your baby’s arms, legs, and belly can create moments of laughter and joy.

This simple activity helps build trust and comfort with physical contact. It also stimulates the nervous system and can enhance your baby’s sense of body awareness.

19. Colorful Balloon Tap

Inflate a few balloons (keeping safety in mind) and tap them gently towards your baby. Encourage them to reach for and bat at the balloons.

This not only provides a visual spectacle but also helps in developing hand-eye coordination. Ensure you hold onto the balloon to prevent any risk of it flying away or popping.

20. Sensory Bags

Fill sealable plastic bags with a variety of interesting and safe items like gel, cooked pasta, or colorful beads. Tape the bags to the floor where your baby can push and pat them during tummy time. Always supervise closely!

mother and baby

This activity allows babies to explore different textures safely and can be very soothing.

The days with a young baby might sometimes seem long, but they’re also incredibly precious. These simple games will not only help pass the time but will help contribute to your baby’s development and deepen the bond between you and your little one. Each playful interaction is an investment in their future happiness and health, and a cherished memory in the making. 

mum and baby yoga game

Incorporating these fun and easy games into your daily routine can enhance the bonding experience with your baby. Each game is not just a way to pass the time but a stepping stone in your baby’s physical, emotional, and cognitive development.

Enjoy these precious moments as you watch your little one grow and explore the world around them with wonder and joy.

simple mama and baby games to play

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Anna Marikar, mum of four and seasoned blogger, has spent over a decade sharing her parenting journey and passion for kid-friendly crafts and free printables.
Her easy-to-follow craft ideas and practical parenting advice have transformed In The Playroom into a cherished resource for parents.

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