Butterfly Nature Art Frame Outdoor Activity

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By In The Playroom

As mums, we know how important it is to find activities that are both engaging and educational for our little ones. Especially during the long summer break, it can be challenging to come up with ideas that are easy to set up, cost-free, and mess-free.

One of our favorite activities is making a cardboard butterfly frame, a simple yet beautiful craft that gets the kids outside, exploring nature, and learning about colors and patterns. This project, which I like to call the “nature frame” or “nature art frame,” (you can make it in different designs other than butterfly too, if you want to branch out!) is perfect for a sunny day and helps kids connect with the natural world right in your backyard or local park.

butterfly nature art frame outdoor activity craft for children

How to Make the Cardboard Butterfly Frame for Your Nature Art Project

First, let’s talk about making the cardboard butterfly frame. All you need is a piece of cardboard, a marker, and a pair of scissors, or even better a craft knife like an exacto knife.

Draw the outline of a butterfly on the cardboard, making sure to create large spaces for the wings. Kids can help with this stage and draw the butterfly shape themselves.

These spaces will be cut out, forming the “frame” through which kids will see different parts of nature.

This part of the craft is great for developing fine motor skills and allows kids to practice drawing and cutting shapes. Make sure to supervise the cutting step, especially with younger children, as adult supervision is needed when handling scissors or knife.

If you want help creating the butterfly template, check out butterfly coloring pages which can be used as a basic template or butterfly shape to copy – or go ahead and draw it freehand.

Using the Nature Art Frame Activity

Once the cardboard butterfly is ready, it’s time to head outside. This is where the real fun begins!

Encourage your kids to hold the frame up to various natural items like flowers, leaves, rocks, and even the sky.

They’ll be amazed at how the different textures, colors, and patterns fill in the butterfly wings, creating unique and beautiful designs.

This butterfly color matching activity helps kids learn about colors, textures, patterns and the diversity of nature. It’s also a wonderful way to discuss the concept of symmetry, as butterflies are known for their symmetrical wings.

To preserve your nature art, take a picture of each one – or just enjoy the moment.

Related: Summer Photo Scavenger Hunt Challenge

Here are a few examples, but the possibilities are endless!

The cardboard butterfly frame captures the beautiful, varied textures of natural rocks, creating a unique and earthy design for the butterfly wings.

This frame showcases how even simple elements like stones can be transformed into stunning nature art.

butterfly nature art frame outdoor activity craft for children with pebbles stones

Held up against vibrant pink flowers, the butterfly frame becomes a burst of color and life, demonstrating the endless possibilities of nature art.

The delicate petals and lush green leaves fill the butterfly wings with a cheerful, floral pattern. Why not try all different kinds of flowers?

butterfly nature art frame outdoor activity craft for children with flowers

The rustic wooden planks provide a contrasting background that highlights the simplicity and charm of the butterfly frame.

This setting shows how man-made and natural textures can combine to create interesting and diverse patterns.

wooden cardboard butterfly nature art frame outdoor activity craft for children to explore textures

Pine needles create a beautifully intricate pattern within the butterfly wings, adding a touch of forest magic to the nature frame. The fine, green needles offer a refreshing look that is both serene and visually engaging.

butterfly nature art frame outdoor activity craft for children with pine needles

The brick wall background adds an urban twist to the butterfly nature frame, illustrating how natural and built environments can blend to create unique art.

The texture and color of the bricks provide a striking contrast to the delicate butterfly shape.

butterfly nature art frame outdoor activity craft for children

The stone wall background fills the butterfly wings with a rugged, textured look, perfect for demonstrating how different natural elements can create beautiful art. The stones’ varying shades and shapes add depth to the butterfly design.

cardboard butterfly nature art frame outdoor activity craft for children

A lush green bush makes the butterfly wings pop with vibrant color and texture, showcasing the beauty of nature’s greenery. This frame highlights how even a simple background can transform the butterfly into a work of art.

butterfly nature art frame outdoor activity craft for children

These ideas emphasize the peaceful beauty of nature and how it can be captured through a simple cardboard frame.

Educational Benefits of this Nature Art Activity.

This activity is not just fun; it’s packed with educational benefits. Kids will learn about colors and patterns through this interactive nature color matching activity.

They’ll also develop an appreciation for nature as they observe the details of the outdoor world more closely. The activity encourages creativity, as each child will create a unique piece of “nature art” based on what they find.

butterfly nature art frame outdoor activity craft for children

It’s an excellent way to introduce concepts of art and design using natural elements, making it an ideal project for Earth Day or any day you want to celebrate the beauty of our planet.

This cardboard butterfly craft is suitable for kids of various ages. Younger children, around 3-5 years old, will enjoy the sensory experience and the simple joy of exploring their environment.

Older kids, up to 10 years old and beyond, can delve deeper into the artistic and scientific aspects, learning about the different types of plants and insects they might see through their frames. It’s a versatile activity that grows with your child, providing endless opportunities for learning and play.

butterfly nature art frame outdoor activity craft for children

One of the greatest benefits of this activity is that it gets kids outside. In a world where screens often dominate their attention, the “nature frame” encourages them to look at the real world with curiosity and wonder.

They learn that art doesn’t always have to be made with paper and paint; sometimes, the best art comes from the natural world around us. It’s a fantastic way to combine play with learning, fostering a love for nature and creativity in your children.

cardboard for craft

One of the reasons I love this craft is that it’s so easy to set up. All you need is cardboard, a marker, and scissors or a knife, items you likely already have at home.

There’s no mess to clean up, and the materials are reusable for multiple outings. Plus, it’s cost-free, making it a perfect option for families looking to engage in meaningful activities without spending extra money. This activity is a great one to take along on family walks, to help prevent boredom and keep little ones busy and happy so they don’t focus too much on their tired legs.

This cardboard butterfly frame is more than just a craft; it’s an experience that combines art, nature, and learning. It’s a fantastic way for kids to explore their creativity while developing an appreciation for the beauty of the natural world.

Whether you’re looking for a fun Earth Day project or a simple summer activity, this butterfly craft is sure to be a hit with your kids.

So grab some cardboard, head outside, and let your children discover the wonders of nature through their very own “picture frames.” Happy crafting!

More Outdoor and Nature Activities for Kids

Encourage your kids to explore the great outdoors with our collection of nature-inspired activities.

From nature crowns to color hunts, these activities help children connect with nature while learning and having fun. Discover new ways to engage your little ones in outdoor play and nature exploration with the ideas below.

More Butterfly Crafts and Activities

Dive into a world of colorful and creative butterfly crafts! From paper plate butterfly life cycle to butterfly wings made from coffee filters, explore a variety of engaging projects that celebrate these beautiful insects.

Each activity is designed to spark imagination and provide hours of fun for kids of all ages. Check out our related links below for step-by-step guides and inspiration.

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butterfly nature art frame outdoor activity craft for children
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Anna Marikar, mum of four and seasoned blogger, has spent over a decade sharing her parenting journey and passion for kid-friendly crafts and free printables.
Her easy-to-follow craft ideas and practical parenting advice have transformed In The Playroom into a cherished resource for parents.

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