Egg Carton Nature COLOR Hunt Activity for Kids

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By In The Playroom

Nature is filled with an array of colors, from the verdant greens of leaves to the soft pastels of blooming flowers. For children, the world outside their window is not just a place to play, but a vast classroom waiting to be explored.

This simple Egg Carton Color Match Nature Hunt is a fun, engaging activity that merges the vibrancy of the outdoors with a tactile, hands-on learning experience.

egg carton nature color hunt activity for kids

What is the Color Match Nature Hunt?

At its core, this activity is about connecting children to their environment in a fun and creative way.

By using a simple egg carton as a guide, kids are encouraged to explore, observe, and categorize items they find in nature based on color.

This activity is also a great way to make a simple walk in the neighbourhood into something more interactive and engaging for young children.

Little ones can sometimes get tired while out walking but introducing a fun activity like this can take their mind off tired legs and make the whole experience a lot more fun.

How to Set Up the Activity

Follow these step by step activity to make your own nature hunt box.

Note: Once you’ve made one of these color hunt boxes, you can re use the same box over and over again for multiple walks until it wears out.

Observe how the colors in nature change from season to season.

How to Make an Egg Carton Nature Hunt Box
Yield: 1

How to Make an Egg Carton Nature Hunt Box

Prep Time: 5 minutes
Active Time: 15 minutes
Additional Time: 1 hour
Total Time: 1 hour 20 minutes
Difficulty: Easy

The Color Match Nature Hunt is an engaging outdoor activity for kids, where they use a painted egg carton to collect and categorize nature items by color during a walk or exploration.


  • An empty cardboard egg carton.
  • A variety of paint colors.
  • Paintbrushes.
  • A protective surface for painting, like newspaper.


  • Scissors


  1. Find a large cardboard egg box
  2. Empty it, and cut off the lid using scissors if the box requires it
  3. Paint each space in the egg carton with a different color, using the paint brush
  4. Try to include a variety of shades and tones to challenge your little explorers.
  5. Once the paint dries, your color match carton is ready for the adventure!

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This activity is fun for kids of all ages, from toddlers and preschoolers to kindergarteners and up.

Going on the Hunt

Now that your carton is ready, it’s time to head out into the wild – or maybe just your local park or neighborhood.

As you and your children walk, encourage them to seek out items that match the colors in their egg carton.

children walking in nature

They can look for:

  • Flowers of different shades and hues.
  • Various colored leaves, especially during the fall.
  • Pine cones, seeds, or even small pebbles.
  • Grass, moss, and other ground coverings.
  • Feathers or anything else that nature has dropped along your path.
different color leaves

Each find can be placed in its corresponding color space in the egg carton.

Not only does this activity challenge kids to identify colors, but it also sharpens their observational skills and fosters a deeper appreciation for the natural world.

The Benefits of Color Matching in Nature

Introducing children to color matching in an open environment has profound cognitive benefits. It strengthens their understanding of colors, their capability to differentiate between shades, and hones their observational skills.

Also, associating colors with tangible objects helps solidify their learning, making it an educational exercise as much as it is a whole lot of fun.

Expanding the Learning

Beyond the nature color hunt activity, you can extend the learning experience by:

  • Discussing the different items collected: Where might they come from? Why do they have that particular color?
  • Counting and categorizing: How many items were found for each color? Which color was the most prevalent in the environment?
  • Creating art: Use the collected items for a nature-themed craft or a collage.

Related: Flower Mandalas & Nature Art

Safety First

While this activity is fun and engaging, it’s essential to ensure the safety of the little explorers.

Remind them not to pick or touch plants they’re unfamiliar with, as some might be harmful. It’s a good idea to carry a field guide or use plant identification apps.

Also, always keep an eye out for their well-being. Ensure they stay hydrated, wear appropriate attire, and apply sunscreen if needed.

step by step making a nature hunt box from an egg carton for color matching

The Color Match Nature Hunt is more than just a game. It’s an exploration of the world around us, a touchpoint for sensory development, and an invitation to marvel at the kaleidoscope of colors that nature provides.

So the next time you’re thinking of a simple outdoor activity to do with your kids, grab that egg carton, set forth on a colorful adventure, and let the world be your canvas.

Documenting the Adventure

In this digital age, why not combine nature with a bit of tech? Encourage your kids to take photographs of their finds with a camera or a smartphone.

Later, you can create a digital or physical scrapbook, documenting each adventure and the different items they discovered.

It can serve as a beautiful memory of their growing years and their evolving relationship with nature.

girl taking pictures of nature

More Nature Crafts and Activities

If you’ve found joy in the Color Match Nature Hunt, there’s a world of nature-themed crafts and explorations waiting to be discovered!

Nature serves as a rich tapestry of inspiration, offering endless possibilities to stoke the flames of creativity and curiosity.

Whether you’re looking to embark on another tactile journey or dive into a visual feast inspired by the great outdoors, there’s always more to explore.

So if you’re hungry for more nature-inspired ideas, be sure to check out our other resources and let the beauty of the natural world guide your next adventure.

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Anna Marikar, mum of four and seasoned blogger, has spent over a decade sharing her parenting journey and passion for kid-friendly crafts and free printables.
Her easy-to-follow craft ideas and practical parenting advice have transformed In The Playroom into a cherished resource for parents.

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