Rainbow Rice Sensory Bin

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By In The Playroom

If you are looking for a simple, engaging, and educational activity to keep your busy toddler entertained, then look no further! Rainbow rice sensory play is a fantastic way to stimulate your child’s senses, improve their fine motor skills, and provide hours of colorful fun.

In this post, we’ll guide you through the steps to dye rice in vibrant colors and share ideas on how to use your rainbow rice sensory bin for color matching and open-ended play.

rainbow rice sensory bin for toddlers and preschoolers color matching

How to Dye Rice for Sensory Play

Creating colored rice is easy and requires just a few ingredients and materials. Here’s what you’ll need:

  • White rice
  • Food coloring
  • White vinegar
  • Ziplock bags
  • Baking sheet or tray
  • Parchment paper
  • Airtight containers for storage


  1. Measure the Rice: Start by measuring the amount of rice you want to dye. Divide it into separate portions if you want multiple colors, which you will need to do if you want to make this rainbow rice sensory bin.
  2. Prepare the Coloring Mixture: In a ziplock bag, add 1 cup of rice, a few drops of food coloring, and 1 teaspoon of white vinegar. The vinegar helps the color adhere to the rice.
  3. Mix the Rice: Seal the bag or container and shake it until all the rice is evenly coated with color. Add more food coloring if you want a more vibrant hue.
  4. Dry the Rice: Spread the colored rice on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Let it air dry for a few hours or overnight. Ensure the rice is completely dry before using it to avoid any potential mess.
  5. Repeat for Other Colors: Repeat the steps for each color you want to create.

This is a very similar method to how to dye pasta for sensory play, and you can also see our step by step dying process where we used liquid watercolor to dye rice for another project – and added essential oils.

Here you’ll see 5 colors used – red, orange, green, blue and purple but you can make 7 for the classic rainbow of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet if you prefer.

Once dyed, you can keep the rainbow rice in an airtight container to use again.

Using the Rainbow Rice Sensory Bin for Play

Once your rainbow rice is ready, it’s time to set up a sensory bin. A sensory bin is simply a container filled with materials that stimulate your child’s senses.

Here are some ideas on how to use your rainbow rice sensory bin:

Color Matching:

dyed rainbow rice sensory bin play
Sensory box with rainbow rice inside. Children’s hands touch the texture and pour. Tool for sorting tongs and spoon. Montessori material baby
  • Fill the sensory bin with rainbow rice and add small, colorful objects.
  • Encourage your child to match the objects to the corresponding colored rice.
  • This activity helps with color recognition and fine motor skills as they pick up and sort the objects.
rainbow rice sensory bin for fine motor play

For the colorful objects, we love using the little counters from Learning Resources. You can get all kinds of themes like bugs or fruits, or get alphabet themed items and mix them all up.

These counters are great because they are so cute, sturdy and durable, and the perfect size for sensory bins. You can also improvise and use any little toys or objects you have around the house, like mini clothes pins of different colors and so on.

Open-Ended Play:

using tools for fine motor sensory bin

Provide tools like scoops, tweezers, and cups (the tools shown in the images are also from Learning Resources and are perfect for this).

learning resources fine motor tool set for sensory bins
Buy on Amazon (affiliate link)

Let your child scoop, pour, and mix the rice. This free play allows them to explore textures and practice hand-eye coordination.

using tweezers fine motor sensory bin

Bury small toys or objects in the rice for a fun “treasure hunt” game. Yes, your carefully separated colors and probably going to get all mixed together – that is okay! It’s all part of the fun.

sensory play with rainbow rice sensory bin for toddlers

Benefits of Rainbow Rice Sensory Play

Rainbow rice sensory bins offer numerous benefits for young children, including:

  • Sensory Stimulation: Engages multiple senses (sight, touch, sound) and encourages sensory exploration.
  • Fine Motor Skills: Using tools and picking up small objects helps strengthen hand muscles and improve coordination.
  • Cognitive Development: Activities like color matching promote critical thinking and problem-solving skills.
  • Creativity and Imagination: Open-ended play allows children to create their own games and stories, fostering creativity.
  • Calming Effect: Sensory play can have a soothing effect on children, helping them relax and focus.
rainbow rice sensory bin for kids

Rainbow rice sensory play is an easy and fun activity that offers endless learning opportunities for toddlers and young children.

Whether you’re looking to keep your little one busy or incorporate more sensory activities into their routine, this colorful and engaging activity is sure to be a hit.

Don’t forget to sign up for our newsletter for more fun and educational activity ideas for your busy toddler!

More Sensory Play for Toddlers

Explore a variety of sensory play activities that will keep your toddler engaged and learning. From tactile bins to creative sensory games, find inspiration to stimulate your child’s senses and support their development.

More Rainbow Themed Crafts and Activities

Discover an array of colorful and fun rainbow-themed crafts and activities perfect for young children. These ideas will brighten up your playtime and provide endless opportunities for creativity and learning.

If you found this guide helpful, please share it on social media or Pinterest to inspire other parents to try this fun and educational activity.

Happy playing!

rainbow rice sensory bin for preschool and toddlers
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Anna Marikar, mum of four and seasoned blogger, has spent over a decade sharing her parenting journey and passion for kid-friendly crafts and free printables.
Her easy-to-follow craft ideas and practical parenting advice have transformed In The Playroom into a cherished resource for parents.

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