Paper Plate Snow Globe Craft

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By In The Playroom

Winter is upon us, and if you’re anything like me, you’re always on the lookout for fun and engaging crafts to do with your little ones.

Today, I’m excited to share a super adorable and easy-to-make Paper Plate Snowglobe craft! Not only is it an absolute joy to create, but it also offers a fantastic opportunity to spend some quality time with your children.

paper plate snow globe craft for kids

You know, one of the things I love about this Paper Plate Snowglobe craft is that it’s not just fun to make, but it’s also pretty beneficial for the kids.

First off, it lets them get creative. They get to decide how they want their snowglobe to look, from the color of the pompoms to the design on the snowman.

It’s a good way to keep those little hands busy too, helping with their motor skills as they cut and stick things together.

Plus, I’m all about using what we’ve got at home, so using up those old paper plates is a win in the eco-friendly department.

And honestly, the best part? The quality time we get to spend together. In a busy world, sitting down and crafting with the kiddos gives us those moments to chat, laugh, and just be together. Simple moments, but totally worth it.

Crafting together fosters bonding, conversations, and a lot of giggles.

Now, if you’re wondering about the age group this craft is perfect for, I’d say it’s a hit with the preschool crowd as well as young school aged kids like my 6 year old daughter, and even suitable for the toddlers with a bit of help.

Younger kids might need a hand with the cutting, but they’ll surely love sticking things together and giving that penguin its unique look. It’s simple enough for them to follow along but still offers that fun challenge they crave.

How to Make Your Own Paper Plate Snow Globe

Easy Paper Plate Snow Globe Craft
Yield: 1

Easy Paper Plate Snow Globe Craft

Prep Time: 5 minutes
Active Time: 30 minutes
Total Time: 35 minutes
Difficulty: Easy

Today, we're diving into this delightful Paper Plate Snowglobe. It's a simple craft made up of a paper plate transformed into a whimsical winter scene complete with snowy mountains, pine trees, and a cute little snowman.

We've added some pompom balls to mimic falling snow, which adds a playful touch. With some basic construction paper and a bit of creativity, you can bring this winter wonderland right into your living room.


  • 2 Paper plates
  • Pompoms (we used blue, white is also good)
  • Construction paper in Brown, white, blue, and light and dark green
  • Double sided tape
  • Orange and black marker
  • Saran wrap / Cling film


  • Scissors
  • Glue stick


  1. Gather all your supplies and materials ready to craft
  2. Cut a circle just enough to cover the paper plate. Attach it using double-sided tape or a glue stick
  3. Cut two mountains from the white paper and attach them to the blue paper to create a serene backdrop.
  4. Attach the pine trees at the left corner, giving our snowglobe a lovely forest feel.
  5. Assemble the snowman. Cut two small circles from the white paper and attach them together. Craft a hat from the black paper and draw in the details using the markers. Then place your friendly snowman at the right corner of the paper plate.
  6. Take another paper plate, cut out the center circle, and paint it a light blue by mixing white and blue paint. Let it dry to create a beautiful frosted look.
  7. Cut out the stand for the snowglobe and trace it onto the brown paper. Wedge it between the two paper plates to give our snowglobe a solid base.
  8. (Optional) Cover the inside of the hole on the top paper plate with some clear saran wrap / cling film, trapping those lovely pompom balls inside and attach the two paper plates together using a glue stick, making sure to keep the stand shape in place

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Once you have the paper plate snow globe technique down, you can mix things up and make all kinds of designs.

Whatever scene you want to create within the back paper plate of the snow globe is really up to you and there are so many fun directions you can go with this easy craft idea.

Let the kids create all their favorite winter characters from penguins, to Santa, to reindeers, to the Grinch, a snow princess or whatever they like best!

You can also add some glitter or sequins as well as the pom poms (we like bio glitter best).

You can also write festive greetings on the outside of the snow globe like Happy Christmas, Happy Holidays – whatever you prefer. There are really so many ways to customise.

And voilà! You now have a charming Paper Plate Snowglobe that will bring a touch of winter magic to any room.

This craft is perfect for a cold afternoon indoors, and the best part is, you’ll have a beautiful keepsake to remember the day by.

So gather your materials, round up the kids, and let the crafting begin! Until next time, stay warm and keep crafting.

More Winter Crafts

Before you dash off, don’t forget to check out more of our winter crafts for kids. If you enjoyed making this snowglobe with your little ones, you’re in for a treat!

I’ve compiled some super easy projects that are spot on for preschoolers and toddlers. So, keep those craft supplies handy and get ready for more winter-themed fun.

Please go ahead and share our craft projects with friends, family or on social media so that more parents, kids, teachers and families can benefit from all the fun ideas and free resources. Thanks so much!

Happy Crafting!

paper plate snow globe snowman craft
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Anna Marikar, mum of four and seasoned blogger, has spent over a decade sharing her parenting journey and passion for kid-friendly crafts and free printables.
Her easy-to-follow craft ideas and practical parenting advice have transformed In The Playroom into a cherished resource for parents.

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