Preschool Planting Seeds Sequencing Activity (Free Printable Cards)

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By In The Playroom

Gardening with young children is not just a fun way to pass the time; it’s a great way to introduce them to the life cycle of a plant. And that in turn is a great way to introduce them to the way that things change and grow over time.

Today, we’re diving deep into a captivating and educational activity: the Preschool Planting Seeds Sequencing Activity with Free Printable Cards.

Preschool Planting Seeds Sequencing Activity Free Printable Cards

What Are Sequencing Activities / Sequencing Cards?

Before we embark on our garden theme journey, let’s take a closer look at sequencing activities.

Sequencing cards are a great tool used to order events or processes, they are visual tools that help order events or processes in a logical manner

They assist young students in understanding the sequence of events and in developing math skills, particularly the concept of ‘what comes next’ and recalling past events. Beyond their direct academic benefits, sequencing cards play an instrumental role in child development.

These cards also enhance fine motor skills when little learners physically arrange them. Here are some more advantages:

  1. Cognitive Development: These cards foster logical thinking and problem-solving skills. By arranging events or processes in order, children practice critical thinking and enhance their comprehension skills.
  2. Language and Vocabulary Enhancement: Discussing the order of events or processes facilitates the introduction of new vocabulary words and helps children articulate their thought processes.
  3. Boosts Memory and Retention: Repeatedly working with sequencing cards aids in memory retention, as children recall the correct sequence of events or actions.
  4. Enhances Storytelling Skills: As kids arrange and discuss sequencing cards, they inherently practice the art of storytelling. They begin to understand the concept of a beginning, middle, and end, which is crucial for both listening to and sharing stories.
  5. Preparation for Real-life Skills: Life is full of sequences, from daily routines like brushing teeth before bed to more complex tasks like following a recipe. Working with sequencing cards prepares children for these real-life scenarios, fostering independence and confidence.

As you can see, sequencing cards are more than just a fun activity; they are a foundation stone for various life skills and academic concepts. Whether in the classroom or at home, they’re an invaluable resource for holistic child development.

This planting seeds sequencing activity is most suited for preschoolers, and early elementary children from age 3-7 years old. 

The Magic of Planting Seeds

Starting with a tiny seed, children can witness the fascinating facts about the life cycle of a flower. Here’s a basic rundown of the stages of a plant life cycle

plant life cycle
  1. Seed Stage: Our journey begins with a seed, be it a bean seed or any different seeds you have. The seed coat protects the inside of the seed.
  2. Germination: This is when our little beans sprout from the seed. They break free from the seed coat and begin their growth cycle.
  3. Growth: After seed germination, the plant starts to shoot up, showcasing various parts of plants like roots, stem, and leaves.
  4. Flowering: The plant produces beautiful flowers, which are the plant’s way of reproducing.
  5. Fruiting: Post-flowering, some plants create fruits that contain seeds, thus completing the life cycle of plants and starting it anew.
plant life cycle poster science

Discuss with the children how the stages can look slightly different from plant to plant, but that the overall process is very similar.

The seeds in the free printable sequence cards here are Pumpkin seeds.

Related: Painted Pumpkin seed craft

Free Printable Cards

To make this lesson more interactive, we’ve designed sequencing cards that depict each stage of the life cycle of a plant as well as a set depicting each stage of planting a seed for children. 

These cards are available as a pdf file which can be downloaded at the bottom of the post.

Instructions for the Sequencing Activity

How to Use The Free Printable Sequencing Cards
Yield: 1

How to Use The Free Printable Sequencing Cards

If it's your first time using this type of resource, here's a brief step by step of how to print out and use this set of planting seeds sequencing cards with your preschooler


  • Cardstock
  • Optional - velcro dots


  • Printer
  • Scissors
  • Optional - Laminator


  1. Print and Prepare: Download the free printables and print them out onto thick paper or cardstock. For longevity, you can laminate them. Optionally, add a velcro dot at the back so young children can stick them onto a board in order.
  2. Cut out each card: Each of the two sets has 6 cards and you can use these sets separately
  3. Introduce and Discuss: Show each card to the child, discussing each stage. This is a good place to introduce vocabulary cards like "germination" or "flowering".
  4. Sequence the Events: Shuffle the cards and let your child place them in the correct order.
  5. Move on to the next set: After completing one set, continue the activity with the other set. They can be used in whichever order you prefer.


Download free printable sequencing cards at below

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Stages of Planting a Seed for Kids

Planting seeds is more than just burying them in the ground; it’s a ritual of patience, care, and observation. Here’s a simple guide for young children:

stages of planting a seed sequencing cards for kids
  1. Gather Your Supplies: First thing, ensure you have everything you need. This includes a plant pot or garden space, soil, seeds (like our little beans), water, and a small shovel or spoon for digging.
  2. Fill Your Pot with Soil: If you’re using a pot, fill it almost to the top with soil. For those planting directly in a garden, find a good place that gets adequate sunlight.
  3. Make a Hole: Using your finger or a small tool, make a hole in the soil. It shouldn’t be too deep, usually about twice the size of the seed you’re planting.
  4. Drop in the Seed: Take your tiny seed or bean seed and gently place it in the hole. If you’re exploring different seeds, you can talk about the differences in size, shape, and color.
  5. Cover with Soil: Gently cover the seed with soil. Ensure it’s snug but not compacted too hard.
  6. Add Water: Using a watering can or a cup, gently add water to the spot where you’ve planted the seed. Make sure it’s moist but not flooded.
  7. Place in Sunlight: If you’re using a pot, place it in a sunny spot. Plants need sunlight to grow, so this is an essential step.
  8. Observe and Care: Over the next few days and weeks, you’ll see the seed germinate and little bean sprouts or shoots come up. Ensure the plant gets water and sunlight as required.
  9. Document the Growth: A fun way to extend this activity is to have children draw or write about what they observe over various days. They can note changes, growth, and anything else of interest.
  10. Celebrate Growth: As your seed grows into a young plant, celebrate the stages with your child. This can be as simple as appreciating the plant or even naming it.
kids planting and watering seeds

Seed Sequence Cards

Before or after planting, use the seeds sequencing cards to let children sequence the steps they took.

Preschool Planting Seeds Sequencing Activity Free Printable Cards lifecycle of a pumpkin seed

Life Cycle Posters

As the plant grows, create a simple poster to represent each stage it undergoes, from seed to sprouting to flowering.


Using materials like pipe cleaners, paper shreds, and cupcake liners, children can create their own flowers or represent different parts of a plant.

Related: Pipe cleaner and paint sample flowers

Paper Towel Germination

Place a bean seed in a plastic bag with a damp piece of paper or paper towel. Attach the bag to a window using a paper clip. Watch the seed germinate over a few days!

Plant Pots

Transplant your little bean sprouts to plant pots and witness them grow into beautiful plants.

Math Centers

Use different colored seed packets or seeds of different sizes for sorting and counting activities.

Fine Motor Skills

Create plant parts with pipe cleaners or form them using cupcake liners. Alternatively, buy fake flowers from a dollar store and let your little learners pull them apart and reassemble them.


Read stories related to plants and gardening, maybe even an emergent reader focused on the life cycle of a flower.

Incorporating this hands-on approach to planting offers young learners a tangible experience with the stages of a plant’s life, which will surely leave a lasting impression. As the plant grows, children can revisit the sequencing cards to understand the broader life cycle of a plant, combining both the micro and macro perspectives of this beautiful journey.

Benefits of Gardening with Kids

  • Science Content: Children get a firsthand look at the life cycle of plants, understanding how living things grow.
  • Social Studies: Discuss where different plants come from and the cultures that use them.
  • Life Skills: They learn responsibility by caring for their own seeds and plants.
  • Math Skills: Measuring plant growth, counting seeds, or sorting by types and sizes.

Download Preschool Seed Sequencing PDF

Remember, gardening is not just about the end result, a beautiful garden or a beautiful flower. It’s about the journey of understanding the world around us.

Thank you for joining us on this planting adventure! If you have any questions, please drop them in the comments.

More Gardening

Here are a few more additional resources to use with your preschoolers

More Life Cycles

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Anna Marikar, mum of four and seasoned blogger, has spent over a decade sharing her parenting journey and passion for kid-friendly crafts and free printables.
Her easy-to-follow craft ideas and practical parenting advice have transformed In The Playroom into a cherished resource for parents.

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