Clever Ways To Take Better Care Of Your Health and Well-Being As A Busy Mum

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By Luciana Oliveira

Finding the time and energy to care for yourself when you are a busy mum can sometimes seem impossible. Even getting a shower, without one of the kids whining at the door to come in can be a challenge some days.

However, being a mum is all about the long game, that it’s a marathon, not a sprint, and that means you’ll need to make sure you do things that will keep you healthy and happy as well doing things for the other members of your family. The good news is you can get some great ideas on ways to improve your health and well-being as a busy mum in our post below. 

A Little Me Time Every Day 

We know that me-time can seem like an impossible idea when you are a busy mum. However, it’s so important for your well-being. After all, you can’t pour from an empty cup, or give to your family if your internal stores are depleted. With that in mind, taking a few minutes each day to do something that helps fill your cup can be incredibly helpful. 

Of course, what you do at that time is entirely your own choice. Maybe you’ll squeeze in a chapter of that book you are reading, or relax with a cold drink and a podcast. Just make sure that instead of mindlessly moving on to the next task on your ever-expanding to-do list you give yourself at least 10 minutes of joy.

Prioritize Your Health

While you may find yourself spending a great deal of time at the doctors’ with your kids (sometimes it seems like they pick up every bug going) Taking care of your health as a mum is just as important. 

With that in mind, investing in a female health assessment can be an excellent idea. This is because it will screen for issues specific to women that other assessments may overlook. Something that will allow you to get any treatment or make any life changes you need proactively to stay healthy. 

Get Away If You Can

One great way to boost your health and well-being as a busy mum’s to take a break if you can. We’re not just talking about grabbing a cup of tea and a biscuit while the little ones are watching Peppa Pig either. Instead, if it’s possible and you have a supportive partner, or ‘village’ that can safely look after your kids, why not treat yourself to a mini-break

As little time away as a single night where you don’t have to worry about getting up to attend to the kids’ feeds, bathroom, needs, or crying fest can do you the world of good, allowing you to come back more relaxed and better able to cope with everything parenthood throws at you. 

Find Some Supportive Peers

Being able to communicate with other parents going through similar day-to-day challenges as you can be so helpful to busy mums. Indeed, it can help us feel less alone, less uncertain, and when we hear about the exploits of other’s kids less like an imposter too. 

However, it is very important that when looking for peers you find ones that are on your wavelength and are supportive. That might mean giving some websites, or IRL groups a miss, especially if everything they share becomes competitive or criticising. 

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Luciana joined our team as a mum blogger in 2020. A dedicated mum to a lively daughter and a dog, Luna, Luciana brings authenticity and passion to every post. Her expertise in parenting and lifestyle topics offers practical, relatable advice for real-life situations.

1 thought on “Clever Ways To Take Better Care Of Your Health and Well-Being As A Busy Mum”

  1. Thank you, Luciana Oliveira, for sharing these clever tips for busy mums to take better care of their health and well-being. Your suggestions of carving out me-time, prioritizing health, taking breaks, and finding supportive peers are invaluable reminders. It’s crucial for mothers to nurture themselves while tending to their families. Well done!


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