Top 10 Best Martial Arts for Kids to Learn in 2024

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By Luciana Oliveira

Martial arts aren’t just about self-defense – they’re gateways to personal growth, physical fitness, and lifelong friendships.

As a parent and a martial artist myself, I’ve seen the transformative power of these disciplines firsthand.

My 7-year-old daughter started Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu last year at RGA Chester, and the journey has been nothing short of amazing.

Not only has she become stronger and more confident, but the friends she’s made in class were even guests at her birthday party!

Here’s a list of the top 10 martial arts for kids to embark on this exciting journey in 2024.

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Table of Contents

1. Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu: The Gentle Art

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Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) is more than a martial art; it’s a community, a way of life. It’s about building confidence, teaching resilience and discipline in a playful manner.

BJJ focuses on grappling techniques and joint locks, allowing smaller practitioners to defend against larger opponents.

The sense of belonging, respect for self and others, and the fun of learning make BJJ my top recommendation.

2. Tae Kwon Do: Olympic Dreams

Tae Kwon Do, an Olympic sport, is perfect for kids who love a mix of discipline and high-flying kicks. It’s not just about physical prowess; Tae Kwon Do also instills important life skills and builds muscle strength.

3. Karate: The Way of the Empty Hand

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Karate, with its rich history and philosophical teachings, offers more than just self-defense skills. It’s about personal growth, respect, and discipline. A great option for kids to learn striking techniques and build confidence.

4. Judo: The Art of Gentle Throws

Judo, known for its throwing and grappling techniques, teaches kids the importance of balance and leverage. It’s a great way for young children to learn how to fall safely and build physical and mental resilience.

5. Muay Thai: The Art of Eight Limbs

Muay Thai, or Thai Boxing, is an excellent martial art for full-body workouts. It combines striking arts with physical fitness, teaching kids about hard work, discipline, and the importance of physical and mental toughness.

6. Kung Fu: The Legacy of Bruce Lee

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Kung Fu, popularized by legends like Bruce Lee, offers a diverse range of styles. It’s not just about fighting; it’s about spiritual development, discipline, and learning a rich cultural heritage.

7. Krav Maga: Practical Self Defense

Krav Maga, a martial art developed for self-defense, teaches practical skills for real-life situations. It’s a good fit for kids to learn about awareness, quick thinking, and effective self-defense techniques.

8. Wrestling: Greco-Roman and Freestyle

Wrestling, including styles like Greco-Roman, is a great martial art for building physical strength and endurance. It’s a great option for kids to learn about discipline, hard work, and sportsmanship.

9. Tai Chi: The Flowing Movement

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Tai Chi, often seen as a martial art for older generations, is actually a great option for kids. It teaches balance, coordination, and is a gentle way to introduce them to martial arts’ physical and mental benefits.

10. Aikido: The Art of Harmony

Aikido focuses on using an opponent’s energy against them. It’s a non-aggressive martial art that teaches kids about respect, harmony, and the importance of non-violent conflict resolution.

The Diversity of Martial Arts

As parents, our primary concern is always the safety and well-being of our children. We strive to protect them at all times, yet we also recognize that we can’t always be there to shield them from every challenge.

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While there’s no single martial art that can be labeled as the absolute safest, it’s crucial to equip our children with the skills and knowledge to defend themselves and navigate difficult situations. Martial arts training offers this invaluable opportunity.

By learning various forms of self-defense and discipline, children gain not just physical strength, but also the mental resilience and situational awareness needed to stay safe and make smart decisions in their everyday lives.

It’s about preparing them for the world, teaching them to stand up for themselves and others, and instilling confidence that goes far beyond the mats of a dojo.

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Enrolling your child in martial arts classes is undoubtedly one of the best ways to introduce them to a world of physical and mental discipline.

Whether it’s the ground techniques of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu or the striking precision in karate classes, each martial art form offers unique benefits.

Starting at a young age, martial arts can play a pivotal role in the development of younger children.

Under the guidance of a skilled martial arts instructor, they not only learn the techniques of their chosen style but also imbibe life lessons that go beyond the dojo. It’s about nurturing important skills like focus, discipline, and resilience.

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Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, especially, is a martial art form that emphasizes technique over strength, making it a good option for younger kids.

It teaches them about leverage and distance control, which are crucial skills not just in martial arts but in everyday life.

The journey to achieving a first-degree black belt in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu can be a transformative experience, instilling confidence and a sense of accomplishment.

For those in high school, martial arts can be more than just an extracurricular activity. Many martial arts disciplines like Tae Kwon Do and Karate are recognized as team sports, offering opportunities for competitions and social interactions.

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These martial arts lessons contribute significantly to a student’s physical development, engaging the entire body in a comprehensive workout.

Starting martial arts at an early age can set the foundation for a healthy, active lifestyle. Some styles, like Aikido or Tai Chi, are considered the safest martial arts, focusing more on self-control and harmony rather than combat.

These forms of martial arts are particularly suitable for younger kids, offering a gentle introduction to the discipline.

As children grow, they might gravitate towards more dynamic styles of martial arts. Some facilities offer specialized karate classes that cater to different age groups and skill levels.

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These classes not only train the body but also sharpen the mind, teaching kids the value of hard work and perseverance.

The world of martial arts is vast and diverse, offering something for everyone.

Whether your child is interested in the most used martial arts like Karate and Taekwondo or wants to explore less common forms, there’s always an option that’s a perfect fit.

Martial arts training is more than just learning to fight; it’s about building a foundation of important skills that will serve them for a lifetime.

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The world of martial arts is vast, encompassing different martial arts styles and disciplines.

From the striking arts of Muay Thai to the grappling techniques of Greco Roman wrestling, there’s a style for every interest.

Younger students benefit from being exposed to different ages and skill levels, learning not just martial arts but also how to navigate the diverse world around them.

In a martial arts studio, young children and teenagers alike learn much more than just brute strength or fighting techniques.

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They acquire life-long problem-solving skills, learn the importance of discipline, and understand the value of teamwork. Some martial arts programs offer a structured environment where children can grow and thrive.

The best age to start martial arts? It’s never too early or too late. Young kids can start with disciplines like Judo or Aikido, which are safer and focus on non-violent conflict resolution.

As children grow, they can explore more contact sports and challenging disciplines, always under the guidance of experienced martial arts instructors.

For parents unsure about which martial art is the best choice for their child, many martial arts schools offer a free trial class. This is a great place for kids to get a feel of the martial art, the instructor’s style, and the overall environment of the class.

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Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ), one of the most popular martial arts in the United States, is an excellent choice for kids of all ages. It’s not just about ground fighting and submissions; BJJ classes are a melting pot of different styles and cultures.

They foster social skills as children learn from fellow students and training partners, developing respect and camaraderie in a safe environment.

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BJJ is not just a form of martial art; it’s a platform for young children to develop important life skills.

From fostering physical fitness to building confidence and social skills, martial arts offer a full-body workout and holistic development for children.

Whether your child dreams of earning a first-degree black belt or simply wants to make new friends, there’s a martial art out there that’s a perfect fit.

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The list of the best martial arts for kids is long and varied, each offering great things in its own unique way. So, why not explore this vibrant world and see what amazing journey awaits your child?

Choosing the right martial art for your child depends on their interests and personality. Whether it’s the discipline of Karate, the resilience taught in Judo, or the fun and community found in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, each martial art has something unique to offer.

Remember, the main goal is personal growth and finding a supportive community that encourages your child to become the best version of themselves.

Martial arts are not just about physical strength; they’re about building character, respect, and lifelong skills.

Related reads:

The Best Martial Arts for Teenagers’ Self Defense 2024 – In The Playroom

Discover Your Inner Fighter: Which Martial Art Reflects Your Personality Quiz – On Your Journey

The Best Martial Arts For The Muslim Teenager –

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Luciana joined our team as a mum blogger in 2020. A dedicated mum to a lively daughter and a dog, Luna, Luciana brings authenticity and passion to every post. Her expertise in parenting and lifestyle topics offers practical, relatable advice for real-life situations.

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