90 Best Funny Unicorn Jokes For Kids

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By In The Playroom

Unicorns. These mythical creatures have long captured our hearts with their grace, magic, and allure. They are a symbol of beauty and strength, a friend to the pure at heart, and a beacon of hope.

These legendary animals are the perfect protagonists for our favorite type of story, a fairy tale, or as we like to say, a ‘fairy tail’. They’re not just magical creatures, they’re also funny beasts, and in today’s blog post, we’re going to share with you the funniest unicorn jokes that will get your kids laughing, bonding, and maybe even creating their own jokes.

Kids, especially little unicorn fans, can’t resist a good laugh and a good joke can be the best medicine. They’re as addictive as a card game on a rainy afternoon, as delightful as a bunny feast, and as satisfying as a tub of pop corn during a family movie night.

In fact, sharing a hearty laugh with your children can be a bonding experience like no other. It can turn a dinner table conversation into a comedy show, a school band practice into a laughter fest, and a unicorn party into a riot of giggles. Just think of the funniest unicorn jokes and they make everything better!

And parents, don’t worry, these are not your typical dad jokes. We have curated a collection of unicorn jokes, puns, and knock-knock jokes that are tailored to different people.

These jokes are perfect for all – the naughty unicorns who have a knack for pranks, the clever unicorns who love a good word play, even the chubby unicorns who might enjoy a joke over a small scoop of ice cream or a unicorn muffin.

Speaking of unicorn muffins, have you ever wondered why unicorns make such good guitar players? Or why unicorns are the mane suspect on ‘Mane Street’? Or perhaps, why unicorns love ‘star grazing’? Well, keep reading because these are some of the silly unicorn jokes we have in store for you. Who knows, you might just find your new favourite knock-knock joke!

With a sprinkle of unicorn magic, a dash of rainbow dust, and a whole lot of laughter, these unicorn jokes will get your kids smiling from ear to ear. They might even turn a scary unicorn into a funny unicorn, a negative attitude into a positive one, or a unicorn run into a gallop of giggles.

So, grab a plate of unicorn cupcakes, a bowl of lucky charms or gummy bears, settle down on your favorite spot, and get ready to dive into a universe filled with laughter and magic.

And remember, whether it’s for a unicorn party, a unicorn lovers’ meetup, or just a midnight snack-time giggle session, there’s a unicorn joke for every occasion.

​Unicorn Jokes for Kids

And here they are, the top 90 funny unicorn jokes for kids!

list of funny unicorn jokes for kids

  1. What do you call a unicorn with a sore throat? – A ‘hoarse’ unicorn.
  2. Why did the unicorn bring a suitcase to school? – She had a lot of ‘horse-work’!
  3. What’s a unicorn’s favorite movie? – ‘The mane event’!
  4. What do unicorns use to clean their tails? – ‘Fairy’ liquid.
  5. Why did the unicorn go to school? – To improve her ‘hand-neigh-ting’!
  6. Why do unicorns make such good soccer players? – Because they’re always ‘charging’!
  7. What is the difference between Justin Bieber and a unicorn? – One is a magical creature found in little girls’ dreams and the other is just a unicorn
  8. Why was the unicorn a great baseball player? – Because it always hit the ‘horn-run’!
  9. How does a unicorn stop a movie? – By hitting the ‘paws’ button’
  10. How does a unicorn like his ice cream? – With ‘sprink-horns’!
born to be a unicorn

  1. Why are unicorns always calm? – Because they never ‘horse’ around!
  2. What’s a unicorn’s favorite school subject? – ‘Myth-ematics’!
  3. How do you catch a unicorn? – Hide in a rainbow and wait till it slides down!
  4. Why did the unicorn cross the road? – Because it wanted to get to the other side
  5. What did the unicorn say to the centaur? – Stop horsing around, you’re half the unicorn I am!
  6. What type of bread do unicorn moms bake? Corn bread
  7. Why did the unicorn attend the barbecue? – Because he heard it was going to be ‘legend-hairy’!
  8. What do you call a fancy unicorn with large eyelashes and unicorn dress? A glamicorn.
  9. What is a unicorn’s favorite sport? Running mare-athons

  1. Did you hear about the unicorn with a negative attitude? – She always said neigh.
  2. What street do unicorns live on? – Mane Street. 
  3. What do unicorns call their dad? – Pop corn
  4. What do you call a unicorn who got a flu shot? – An immunicorn
  5. Where do naughty unicorns go? – Unicourt
  6. What do you call it when a unicorn wakes up for a midnight snack? – Star grazing
  7. What do you call a unicorn that doesn’t have a horn?A horse!
  8. Whats the difference between a unicorn and an honest politician? Nothing they are both fictional characters 
  9. What’s the best type of story to tell a runaway unicorn?A tale of whoa!
  10. Why’d the little unicorn get sent to bed without supper?- She wouldn’t stop horsing around at the dinner table
  11. How do unicorns get to the park? – On a unicycle
  1. What is the difference between a unicorn and a carrot? – One is a funny beast and the other is a bunny feast.
  2. What do you call a unicorn with a negative attitude? – A ‘neigh’-sayer!
  3. What’s a unicorn’s favourite type of story? – A fairy ‘tail’!
  4. Why do unicorns like silly jokes? Because they’re uni-corny.
  5. What do you call a scary unicorn? A Night Mare
  6. Where do unicorns go to ride the merry-go-round?A unicorn-ival.
  7. How do you know that a unicorn has been in your house? – They leave glitter everywhere!
  8. Do they have unicorns at the zoo? Yes they’re just big, grey and called rhinos.
  9. Why did the unicorn rush to school? He was late for horse-story class
  10. Which side of a unicorn has the most hair? The outside 
  1. What looks like half a unicorn? The other half.
  2. What did the mythical creature say to the sad unicorn? Why the long face? 
  3. What do you get if you mix a unicorn and a werewolf? – Corn dog 
  4. What do you call a unicorn with a cold? Achoo ni corn
  5. Why was the unicorn able to win all the Pokemon battles?- It was legendary.
  6. What card game do unicorns play? – Uno.
  7. What do unicorns eat for breakfast? Hornflakes
  8. Who should never hug a unicorn? a cyclops.
  9. What is the unicorns favorite Christmas carrol? Away in a Maine-ger
  10. What did the unicorn hang on the Christmas tree? Hornements
  11. What do you call a unicorn ghost? A whooooooooo-nicorn 
  1. Which state do unicorns like most? – Maine.
  2. Why did the unicorn cross the road? – Because it wanted to see its neighbours.
  3. What do you get when you mix a unicorn and a Cow? – Corned Beef
  4. Why do unicorns like silly jokes? – Because they’re uni-corny.
  5. Why was the unicorn such a good guitar player? – He knew all the uni-chords.
  6. What did the unicorn say when it fell? – I’ve fallen and I can’t giddyup.
  7. What do you say to  a unicorn after it graduates from college? – Corn-gratulations
  8. What do you call a unicorn that can’t make up its mind? – An unidecisive
  9. Why don’t unicorns ever lie? – Because they’re always ‘horn-est’
  10. Why did the unicorn refuse to play cards in the jungle? – There were too many ‘cheetahs’!

Unicorn Knock Knock Jokes

unicorn knock knock jokes
  1. Knock, knock.
    • Who’s there?
    • Unicorn.
    • Unicorn who?
    • Unicorn be the star of my dreams!
  2. Knock, knock.
    • Who’s there?
    • Unique.
    • Unique who?
    • Unique-orn, the one and only unicorn in town!
  3. Knock, knock.
    • Who’s there?
    • Alpaca.
    • Alpaca who?
    • Alpaca the rainbow, you bring the unicorn!
  4. Knock, knock.
    • Who’s there?
    • Olive.
    • Olive who?
    • Olive the unicorns in the world couldn’t compare to you!
  5. Knock, knock.
    • Who’s there?
    • Lettuce.
    • Lettuce who?
    • Lettuce ride a unicorn over the rainbow!
  6. Knock, knock.
    • Who’s there?
    • Harry.
    • Harry who?
    • Harry up and meet my friend, he’s a unicorn!
  7. Knock, knock.
    • Who’s there?
    • Iris.
    • Iris who?
    • Iris you could see the beautiful unicorn over there!
  8. Knock, knock.
    • Who’s there?
    • Atch.
    • Atch who?
    • Bless you! Unicorns don’t usually make people sneeze!
  9. Knock, knock.
    • Who’s there?
    • Justin.
    • Justin who?
    • Justin time to see the magical unicorn!
  10. Knock, knock.
  • Who’s there?
  • Boo.
  • Boo who?
  • Don’t cry, the unicorn is just around the corner!
  1. Knock, knock.
    • Who’s there?
    • Annie.
    • Annie who?
    • Annie-one want to ride a unicorn with me?
  2. Knock, knock.
    • Who’s there?
    • Doris.
    • Doris who?
    • Doris closed, let’s open it to find the unicorn!
  3. Knock, knock.
    • Who’s there?
    • Howard.
    • Howard who?
    • Howard you like to have a pet unicorn?
  4. Knock, knock.
    • Who’s there?
    • Ice cream.
    • Ice cream who?
    • Ice cream every time I see a unicorn!
  5. Knock, knock.
    • Who’s there?
    • Lettuce.
    • Lettuce who?
    • Lettuce in, it’s chilly out here in the unicorn’s meadow!
  6. Knock, knock.
    • Who’s there?
    • Noah.
    • Noah who?
    • Noah place where I can find a unicorn?
  7. Knock, knock.
    • Who’s there?
    • Olive.
    • Olive who?
    • Olive the unicorns and they love me too!
  8. Knock, knock.
    • Who’s there?
    • Who.
    • Who who?
    • Who wouldn’t want to see a unicorn?
  9. Knock, knock.
    • Who’s there?
    • Ken.
    • Ken who?
    • Ken you believe I saw a real unicorn?
  10. Knock, knock.
  • Who’s there?
  • Luke.
  • Luke who?
  • Luke over there! It’s a unicorn!

These should add a dash of magic and fun to your unicorn-themed knock-knock joke collection. Enjoy sharing these jokes!

Unicorn Puns

funny unicorn onesie
  1. The unicorn doesn’t just bring magic to a party, it’s the ‘mane’ event!
  2. “I’m not ‘joking’, unicorns really are ‘furry-tales’ come to life!”
  3. Unicorns aren’t just mythological, they’re ‘myth-terious’!
  4. Unicorns prefer ‘stable’ relationships – they’re not into ‘foaling’ around!
  5. Every time the unicorn jumps over the rainbow, she calls it ‘leap-horn’!
  6. When unicorns do well in school, it’s usually because they ‘excel’ in ‘myth-ematics’.
  7. The unicorn said to the centaur, “Let’s not ‘horse’ around, I’m way ‘corn-ier’ than you are!”
  8. Unicorns don’t just make an appearance, they make a ‘specta-corn-lar’ entrance!
  9. Unicorns don’t wait for the storm to pass, they ‘dance-corn’ in the rain!
  10. Being a unicorn is not a ‘myth-take’, it’s a lifestyle!”
unicorn jokes for kids

And there you have it – an enchanting collection of the best funny unicorn jokes and puns sure to ignite laughter and sprinkle a little magic into your day. Unicorns might be mythical creatures, but the joy they bring into our lives is as real as it gets.

Jokes and puns, especially those involving our favorite funny beasts, are more than just a way to provoke giggles. They are a bridge to fond memories, a doorway to shared joy, and the perfect recipe for moments of bonding with our little ones. After all, laughter is the best medicine!

The next time your dinner table needs an infusion of cheer, or a long car ride could use a dash of humor, or perhaps a school project needs a touch of creativity, remember this collection of unicorn jokes. Who knows, you might even inspire your little unicorn lover to come up with their own jokes!

Unicorn Joke Books For Kids

We hope these unicorn jokes and puns have left a smile on your face as wide as a ‘rain-bow’. And remember, the best type of story is the one that makes you laugh!

Until next time, keep the magic alive, and don’t forget to share the laughter and joy these unicorn jokes bring. Stay tuned for more fun content for unicorn lovers, from mystical coloring pages to magical tales of our favorite creatures. And don’t hesitate to drop your own unicorn jokes in the comments section. We can’t wait to read them!

Check out a few of these unicorn joke books for Kids, and funny books about unicorns available on Amazon (affiliate)

funny unicorn for kids

More Jokes


Don’t forget to share the love and pass these jokes along. After all, nothing is quite as contagious as laughter – well, apart from the flu, but unicorns don’t catch that.

Remember, you can always come back to this post for a good laugh and to add some magic to your day. Now you’re all set to become the mane suspect when laughter breaks out in your home – but don’t worry, that’s the best type of mystery!

Keep the laughs coming and continue to bring smiles to different people with these funniest unicorn jokes.

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Anna Marikar, mum of four and seasoned blogger, has spent over a decade sharing her parenting journey and passion for kid-friendly crafts and free printables.
Her easy-to-follow craft ideas and practical parenting advice have transformed In The Playroom into a cherished resource for parents.

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