14 Bedtime Routine Hacks for 5-Year-Olds

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By In The Playroom

Do you ever wish you could bottle up those precious moments when your little one’s eyes flutter as they drift into dreamland? A Bedtime Routine for 5-Year-Olds can give you just that. But, let’s face it, it’s not always a seamless journey from tuck-in to lights out.

The truth is that bedtime can be a nightmare sometimes.

However, when you craft a smooth and creative bedtime, you’ll be rewarded with a well-rested child, peaceful evenings, and cherished memories that’ll last a lifetime.

In this guide, we’ll take you on a journey through the bedtime routine for 5-year-olds.

We’ll share the secrets to creating a serene sleep environment, whipping up a bedtime routine that even the Sandman would approve of, and tackling those bedtime challenges with finesse.

So, grab your storytelling hat, prepare for a dash of toothbrush-time magic, and join us as we unlock the recipe for peaceful nights and dream-filled adventures.

Let’s get started.

bed time routine for a 5 year old

Table of Contents

Why a Good Bedtime Routine Matters

Let’s talk about bedtime for your 5-year-old. You know it’s important, but why?

Well, a regular bedtime routine does wonders for your kiddo’s growth and happiness. It gives them that cozy, secure feeling, reduces worries, and sets the stage for a good night’s sleep.

Plus, it’s all about being patient and friendly during this process because comfy kids sleep better.

One big goal here is teaching your child to snooze on their own. Yep, you heard it right – they need to learn how to fall asleep without your help. It’s not just about good sleep habits; it’s about preventing midnight freakouts when they wake up, and you’re nowhere to be found.

Here’s another cool thing: Routines are like superpower potions for your child. They boost oral health, emotional development, and even those brainy cognitive skills. By connecting sleep time to fun stuff like bedtime stories and snuggles, you’re teaching them that sleep is their pal.

Now, consistency is the secret sauce when it comes to these routines. Kids thrive on predictability.

Sure, they might push the boundaries a bit, but that’s normal. A solid routine lays the foundation for lifelong habits that help keep life balanced.

But hey, remember, flexibility is your friend. As your little one grows, your routine should adapt. It’s a mix of patience, support, and a friendly attitude that’ll make bedtime a joy.

Creating a Dreamy Sleep Environment

1. Setting the Mood

Let’s start with the sleep environment. Your child’s bed should be like a cloud. Cozy mattress, comfy pillows, and the softest blankets – that’s the deal. Keep the room warm, not too hot or cold, so they can relax and drift into dreamland.

2. Picking the Perfect PJs

Now, about those PJs. Choose comfy, breathable fabrics like cotton. No tight waistbands or complicated buttons, please. We want your kiddo to sleep like a baby, not wrestle with their PJs.

3. Shushing the Noise and Dimming the Lights

Darkness is the sleep champion here. Get some blackout curtains or blinds to keep that pesky outside light away. If your child needs a nightlight, go for a soft glow. And for any noise distractions, a white noise machine or a fan is your trusty sidekick.

4. Make Bath Time Part of the Routine

Bath time is a bedtime star. It’s not just about cleanliness; it’s relaxation and bonding time. Throw in a gentle massage and some soothing bath products, and you’ve got a recipe for calmness.

Related: DIY Bath time playdough

5. Story Time: Building a Love for Reading

Reading a book before bed is like planting a love for reading.

Choose stories that spark their imagination and chat about the characters. It’s like a cozy adventure before sleep.

6. Picking the Right Night Bites For Bedtime Snack Time

Nighttime snacks should be healthy and light, like whole grains or a small piece of fruit. Stay away from the sugary or caffeinated stuff; that’s a one-way ticket to bedtime chaos. Snacking isn’t dinner, though. It’s just a little extra fuel for dreams.

Related: Best 5 Fruits That Can Help a Baby Sleep Better

7. Tooth Brushing Is The Must-Do Ritual

Brushing those teeth is non-negotiable. Start those oral hygiene habits early. Supervise and make it fun. Toothbrush time is part of the bedtime adventure.

Related: 8 Toothbrushing and Dental Health Coloring Pages for Kids

8. Quiet Time For Unwinding Before Sleep

Wind down with low-key activities like gentle stretches, soft music, or dimming the lights. It’s like a signal to your child’s body: “Hey, it’s time to get cozy for the night.”

9. Winning the Bedtime Battles

Bedtime battles are common at this age. Clear rules and a sprinkle of choices can help. Let them pick their PJs bedtime stories. Visual charts can be magic in reducing bedtime showdowns.

10. Keeping a Consistent Bedtime

As the bedtime captain, you’ve got a vital role. Stick to a regular bedtime, even on weekends. Start the bedtime routine about 30-60 minutes before lights out. Consistency helps your child sail smoothly into dreamland.

11. Involving Both Parents

Two heads are better than one. Get both parents on the same page with bedtime routines and responsibilities. Teamwork makes bedtime a breeze.

Turn bedtime into a fun team effort. Create a cozy atmosphere, be consistent, communicate openly, and remember patience is your secret weapon.

Handling Bedtime Challenges

12. Managing Nighttime Worries

Nighttime can bring out those worries. To help your child cope, create a calming bedtime routine. Maybe read stories, chat about the day, or play some soothing bedtime tunes. Predictable routines ease those nighttime jitters.

Related: How to deal with Bedtime Fears

13. Dealing with Bedtime Resistance

If your child resists bedtime, it might be because they’re overtired or having trouble winding down. Check the bedtime – it might be too late. Encourage them to stay in bed and practice relaxation techniques like deep breathing.


14. Tackling Night Wakings

When they wake up at night, teach them to self-soothe and fall asleep on their own. It’s like sleep ninja training. That way, they won’t be calling for you every time they open their eyes.

Related: 5 Ways to Help Your Children Sleep Better in the Summer Months

Understanding Sleep Needs by Age

Sleep needs to change as your child grows. Understand what’s right for your 5-year-old and adjust the routine accordingly.

The Impact of Bedtime Routine on Your Child’s Growth

A bedtime routine for 5-year-olds isn’t just about sleep; it’s a building block for your child’s development. It helps them grow mentally, emotionally, and physically.

What time should a 5-year-old go to bed?

Around 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM is a good bedtime for a 5-year-old. Aim for 10-13 hours of sleep in total.

How can I help my child fall asleep more easily?

A consistent bedtime routine, a comfy sleep environment, and sticking to a regular sleep schedule can help your child fall asleep like a champ.

Choose a bedtime that works for your family, create a soothing routine, and stick to it – even on weekends and holidays.

A Winning Bedtime Routine for 5-year-olds

7:00 PM – Begin Wind-Down Time: Start winding down your child’s activities about an hour before bedtime to help them transition to sleep mode. Turn off or dim the bright lights in the house to signal that it’s getting close to bedtime.

7:15 PM: Bedtime Snack: Offer a light, healthy bedtime snack like a piece of fruit or a small yogurt.

7:30 PMBath Time: Use calming, lavender-scented bath products if your child enjoys them.

7:45 PM – Pajama Time: Help your child put on their comfortable pajamas. Make sure their room is at a comfortable sleep temperature (usually slightly cooler).

8:00 PM – Brush Teeth: Encourage your child to brush their teeth and make it a fun, daily ritual.

8:00 PM – Story Time: Choose a favourite book and read it together. Engage your child in the story by asking questions and encouraging them to participate.

8:30 PM – Dim the Lights: Lower the room’s lighting to create a calming atmosphere. If your child is afraid of the dark, consider using a nightlight.

8:45 PM – Cuddle and Calm Time: Spend some quality time cuddling and talking about their day.
Offer reassurance and comfort if they have any fears or worries.

9:00 PM – Lights Out: Turn off the lights and say goodnight. Leave a comforting item like a favourite stuffed animal or blanket if your child needs it.

9:05 PM – Quiet Time: If your child has trouble falling asleep, encourage them to lie quietly in bed.
Avoid electronic devices or stimulating activities.

9:15 PM – Sleep: Hopefully, your child will drift off to sleep at this point.

Remember that flexibility is key in a bedtime routine, and it’s important to adjust it to your child’s unique preferences and needs. The goal is to create a calming and consistent routine that helps your child relax and prepare for a restful night’s sleep.

bed time routine for 5 year old

And there you have it, my hacks for a successful bedtime routine for your 5-year-olds. It’s not just about checking off tasks before lights out; it’s about creating treasured moments, nurturing healthy sleep habits, and stoking your child’s imagination.

So, as you follow your routine every night, go with the flow, adapt to your child’s ever-changing needs, and savour each story, toothbrush twirl, and goodnight hug.

It’s not just about sending them to bed; it’s about creating a healthy habit for a lifetime. So, here’s to the sweetest of dreams, courtesy of the bedtime hero in you.

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Anna Marikar, mum of four and seasoned blogger, has spent over a decade sharing her parenting journey and passion for kid-friendly crafts and free printables.
Her easy-to-follow craft ideas and practical parenting advice have transformed In The Playroom into a cherished resource for parents.

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