Toys Everywhere? Garage Storage Tips for Busy Parents

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By Luciana Oliveira

If you’re a parent, you know that toys have a magical way of multiplying and appearing in every corner of your home. With busy schedules and limited space, finding a solution to keep your child’s toys organised can be a challenge. That’s where your garage comes to the rescue! In this blog, we’ll explore some garage storage tips that will help you reclaim your living space and keep your child’s toys tidy and accessible. We’ll also discuss the benefits of using really useful boxes and shelving units, to optimise your toy storage system.

The Garage: An Untapped Resource

The garage often serves as a storage space for tools, seasonal items, and things that don’t quite have a place inside the house. However, it can also be a hidden treasure trove for toy storage. With a little organisation and the right storage solutions, your garage can become a parent’s best friend.

  • Sorting and Purging

Before diving into garage organisation, it’s essential to take stock of your child’s toys and decide which ones are keepers and which ones can be donated or stored away. Here’s how to get started:

  • Sort by Age and Interest

Begin by sorting toys based on your child’s age and interests. This way, you can create designated areas for different age groups and keep toys organised and age-appropriate.

  • Purge the Unwanted

Once you’ve sorted the toys, go through them to identify those your child has outgrown or no longer plays with. Donate these to local charities or pass them on to friends or family.

Choose the Right Storage Containers

Now that you’ve narrowed down the toys you want to keep, it’s time to select the perfect storage containers. Really Useful Boxes, known for their durability and versatility, are an excellent choice for toy storage in the garage.

Why Really Useful Boxes?

These clear, plastic boxes come in a variety of sizes and are stackable, making them perfect for toys of all shapes and sizes. The transparency of the boxes allows you to see what’s inside without having to open them, making it easy for your child to find the toys they want to play with.

Labelling is Key

To make finding specific toys even more convenient, consider labelling the boxes. You can use adhesive labels or a label maker to mark the contents of each box. This small investment of time will save you countless hours searching for toys.

Invest in Quality Shelving Units

To maximise your garage’s toy storage potential, invest in sturdy shelving units. Here’s why they’re crucial:

  • Vertical Space Optimisation

Shelving units help you utilise the vertical space in your garage efficiently. They provide a safe and organised place for your Really Useful Boxes, preventing clutter on the floor and allowing you to maintain a clean and hazard-free environment.

  • Adjustable Shelves

Look for shelving units with adjustable shelves to accommodate different box sizes and toy collections. This flexibility ensures that you can customise the space as your child’s toy collection evolves.

  • Safety Considerations

When organising your garage for toy storage, safety should always be a top priority:

  • Secure Heavy Items

Make sure that heavy items are stored on lower shelves to prevent accidents. Wall-mounted cabinets or racks can also help keep potentially dangerous items out of reach.

  • Childproofing

If your child has access to the garage, consider childproofing the area. Lock cabinets and install safety latches to prevent them from accessing hazardous materials.


Your garage is a valuable asset when it comes to keeping your home organised and clutter-free. By following these garage storage tips and investing in Really Useful Boxes and quality shelving units, you can create a functional and accessible toy storage system that makes both you and your child happy. With everything neatly organised, you’ll have more space to enjoy quality family time without the constant struggle of dealing with toys scattered all around your home.

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Luciana joined our team as a mum blogger in 2020. A dedicated mum to a lively daughter and a dog, Luna, Luciana brings authenticity and passion to every post. Her expertise in parenting and lifestyle topics offers practical, relatable advice for real-life situations.

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