Plywood Types: The Complete Guide

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By Luciana Oliveira

Did you know that plywood comes in various types, each designed for specific uses and applications?

From Softwood Plywood to Marine Plywood, the options can be overwhelming. But fear not, understanding the differences in plywood types can save you time, money, and headaches on your next project.

So, whether you’re a seasoned carpenter or a DIY enthusiast, knowing which plywood type to choose is crucial for the success of your woodworking endeavours.

Softwood Plywood

Softwood plywood offers a cost-effective and versatile option for various woodworking projects. When it comes to plywood types, it stands out due to its unique characteristics. Softwood plywood is known for its lower density than hardwood plywood, making it lighter and easier to work with. Despite its lower density, softwood plywood maintains good yield strength, ensuring durability in your projects.

When evaluating softwood plywood, it’s crucial to consider the quality types available. These quality types can range from A to D, with A being the highest quality and D being the lowest. The grading is based on the appearance and possible defects in the plywood. For projects where the aesthetics matter, opting for higher quality softwood plywood is advisable.

In terms of plywood yield strength, softwood plywood generally performs well in various applications. Its strength makes it suitable for structural purposes and a reliable choice for construction projects where stability is key. Additionally, softwood plywood is widely used for sheathing and subflooring due to its strength and cost-effectiveness.

Hardwood Plywood

When considering woodworking projects, hardwood plywood offers a durable and premium option with distinct characteristics and strength. Hardwood plywood is made from high-quality hardwoods like oak, birch, or maple, providing excellent strength and durability compared to softwood plywood. This type of plywood is commonly used in furniture making, cabinetry, and other applications where a sturdy and attractive finish is desired.

Compared to Medium Density Fiberboard (MDF), hardwood plywood is much stronger due to its layered construction. While MDF is dense and smooth, it lacks the strength and durability that hardwood plywood offers. When it comes to roofing projects, the recommended plywood thickness for roofing is typically 3/4 inch to ensure ample support and durability against the elements.

Hardwood plywood is known for its strength, making it a reliable choice for roofing applications. When deciding between plywood or Oriented Strand Board (OSB) for a roof, plywood is often preferred due to its superior strength and ability to withstand moisture better than OSB. Hardwood plywood is a solid choice for projects requiring a strong and durable material for roofing or other structural needs.

Decorative Plywood

If you want to add a touch of style and flair to your woodworking projects, decorative plywood offers a versatile and visually appealing option. Unlike traditional plywood, designed for structural purposes, decorative plywood is created specifically for its aesthetic appeal.

Here are some key points to consider when working with decorative plywood:

1. Decorative Plywood vs. Solid Wood: Decorative plywood provides a cost-effective alternative to solid wood. While solid wood can be more expensive and may have variations in colour and grain, decorative plywood offers a consistent look with a wide range of patterns and finishes.

2. Plywood v MDF: When comparing decorative plywood to Medium-Density Fiberboard (MDF), plywood tends to be more durable and less prone to warping. Additionally, plywood is easier to work with when cutting and shaping intricate designs.

3. Is Plywood Recyclable and Toxic?: Plywood is recyclable, making it an environmentally friendly option for your projects. However, some types of plywood may contain formaldehyde-based adhesives, which can release toxic fumes when cut or sanded. It’s essential to use proper safety measures, such as wearing a mask and working in a well-ventilated area to minimise exposure to these toxins.

Marine Plywood

Exploring the durability and water-resistant properties of marine plywood enhances the reliability of your woodworking projects in wet environments. Marine plywood is specifically designed to withstand moisture, making it a top choice for boat building, outdoor furniture, and other projects exposed to water. Unlike OSB (Oriented Strand Board), marine plywood is stronger and more durable in wet conditions, ensuring longevity and structural integrity.

The former stands out for its superior strength and water resistance when comparing marine plywood to other materials like hardboard. Marine plywood is crafted using high-quality wood veneers and waterproof adhesive, making it more robust and long-lasting than hardboard. This durability is essential for projects where exposure to moisture is a concern.

Additionally, marine plywood isn’t toxic and is safe for various woodworking applications. Its construction using wood veneers and adhesives free from harmful chemicals ensures your projects are safe for you and the environment. This peace of mind adds to the appeal of marine plywood for those looking for a reliable and eco-friendly option.

In terms of strength, marine plywood outperforms regular wood in wet environments. Its composition and construction make it more resilient to water damage, ensuring your projects remain sturdy and durable. Whether you’re a professional woodworker or a hobbyist, marine plywood is a smart choice for projects that require strength and water resistance.

Structural Plywood

Structural Plywood offers exceptional strength and versatility for various construction projects. Whether you’re working on a DIY home improvement task or a professional building venture, this type of plywood is a reliable choice. Here’s why structural plywood stands out:

1. Strength: Structural plywood is manufactured to be incredibly sturdy, making it ideal for projects where durability is crucial. It can withstand heavy loads and provides excellent support, ensuring the structural integrity of your construction.

2. Versatility: One of the key benefits of structural plywood is its versatility. This plywood can handle a wide range of applications from framing roofs and walls to building floors and outdoor structures. Its adaptability makes it a go-to option for many builders and contractors.

3. Cost-Effective: Despite its superior strength and versatility, structural plywood remains cost-effective. Compared to other building materials with similar properties, structural plywood balances quality and affordability. This makes it a practical choice for projects with budget constraints.


Overall, understanding the different types of plywood is essential for choosing the right material for your project. Whether you need softwood for a simple DIY project or marine plywood for outdoor use, knowing the characteristics of each type will help you make an informed decision.

There’s a plywood type for every need, from structural plywood for building projects to decorative plywood for aesthetic purposes. Make sure to consider the specific requirements of your project before selecting the appropriate plywood type.

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Luciana joined our team as a mum blogger in 2020. A dedicated mum to a lively daughter and a dog, Luna, Luciana brings authenticity and passion to every post. Her expertise in parenting and lifestyle topics offers practical, relatable advice for real-life situations.

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