What are the Best Shoes for Baby to Learn to Walk in?

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By In The Playroom

As a mom of four, I’ve been through the delightful journey of watching each of my children take their first steps. Through extensive research and personal experience, I’ve learned a thing or two about the best baby walking shoes. I want to share these insights with you, fellow parents, so you can make the best choices for your little ones’ tiny feet.

 There’s something magical about watching your little one toddle around, isn’t there? It’s a journey filled with tiny triumphs and, yes, a few tumbles.

But along the way, I’ve gathered some valuable insights about the best shoes to support those wobbly first steps.

the best shoes for babies to learn to walk in

From the soft rustle of baby feet in the living room to the pitter-patter of toddler steps in the garden, let’s explore together the world of baby and toddler shoes.

It’s more than just about footwear; it’s about nurturing those little feet that are taking a giant leap into walking!

Table of Contents

Soft Soles for Pre Walkers

When my kids began cruising around, I immediately fell in love with soft sole leather shoes. These shoes are ideal for new walkers, offering a flexible sole that allows natural movement of baby’s feet.

leather sole baby shoes
shoes pictured are from Stride Rite / Start Rite

The soft soles and breathable materials are gentle on little feet, providing just enough protection without overwhelming their tiny toes.

Shoes with a soft suede sole are a great option, allowing for healthy foot development and non-slip safety.

soft sole boots for toddler cruising

Transitioning to First Walker Shoes

As your child’s foot becomes more confident in walking, transitioning to first walker shoes with a rubber sole is a good idea.

These shoes strike a perfect balance – they still offer flexibility but add a bit more structure. Look for options with a flexible heel cup and non-skid soles to ensure a secure fit and great traction on uneven surfaces.

As your baby grows into a toddler, their footwear needs evolve. Toddler shoes are designed to withstand the increased activity of little kids who are constantly on the move.

start rite shoes first walker
Shoes pictured are from Stride Rite / Start Rite

These shoes often feature more durable soles to handle rough surfaces and more energetic play.

When looking for the best walking shoes for your toddler, consider options with slip-resistant soles and a leather upper for durability and comfort.

Brands like Bobux and other similar shoes have a reputation for crafting shoes that cater to the unique needs of young children, offering a range of toddler shoe sizes and styles.

bobux shoes
Shoes pictured are from Bobux

When it comes to your baby’s first pair of walking shoes, experts emphasize the importance of a right fit to ensure your child’s foot is supported without being constricted.

For baby’s first walking shoes, look for flexible shoes that offer a slight rise in the sole to encourage natural foot movement. Soft-soled shoes are often the best option, especially for indoor use, as they mimic the feeling of bare feet while providing protection.

Once your toddler becomes much more confident on his or her feet, and is out of that wobbly toddler stage, then you’re able to introduce some more variety in foot wear with regular hard soled shoes that would have been too heavy for their first steps.

toddler putting on her shoes

The Benefits of Bare Feet

It’s important to remember that even though buying baby shoes is exciting, the best thing for a baby’s feet is often their bare feet, especially indoors.

Walking barefoot helps in developing motor skills and strengthens the muscles in the feet. So, when you’re at home, let those little toes roam free!

baby walking barefoot

Encouraging your baby to spend time barefoot is not just a matter of tradition but is backed by numerous studies and pediatric recommendations.

Walking barefoot plays a pivotal role in the natural development of babies’ feet, enhancing their ability to grasp with their toes, develop muscle strength, and improve balance.

The sensory feedback that a child’s foot receives from direct contact with the ground is crucial for their proprioceptive and vestibular systems, which are essential for coordination and spatial awareness.

Allowing your baby to explore different textures underfoot, from the soft carpet to the cool tile, stimulates the nerves in baby’s feet, contributing to sensory development. This tactile exploration is an integral part of how young children understand and interact with their environment.

bare feet toddler

The American Academy of Pediatrics supports the idea of barefoot walking for babies learning to walk and stand. It’s believed that being barefoot helps in the development of arches and strengthens ankles.

By walking without shoes, babies also learn how to adjust their steps and develop a more natural gait, which can be restricted by hard-soled shoes.

The experience of walking barefoot lays a solid foundation for healthy foot development, balance, and sensory skills. While shoes are necessary for protection in certain environments, giving your child ample opportunity to go barefoot, especially in safe indoor spaces, can be highly beneficial for their overall motor and sensory development.

What to Look for in the Best Baby Shoes

  • Wide Toe Box: This provides room for natural growth and movement.
  • Breathable Materials: Shoes made from natural materials like leather or canvas keep feet comfortable.
  • Flexible Soles: Essential for natural foot movement, a good fit is key.
  • Non-Slip Sole: For safety on all types of surfaces.
  • Easy On and Off: Double Velcro straps or a simple Velcro closure make life easier for new parents.
  • Snug Fit, But Not Tight: A proper fit ensures comfort without restricting growth.
  • Removable Insoles and Arch Support: For personalized comfort, especially as your child grows.
the best shoes for babies to learn to walk in

Brands and Features to Consider

  1. Stride Rite Shoes aka Start Rite Shoes: A favorite for many parents, including us. A well-established brand known for its high-quality children’s shoes. They offer a wide range of sizes and styles, ideal for different stages of a child’s foot development.
  2. Clarks Shoes: This UK-based brand is renowned worldwide for its durable and comfortable children’s footwear. Clarks provides a variety of options, from first walkers to shoes for older children, all designed with foot health in mind.
  3. Inch Blue: Specializing in soft leather baby shoes, Inch Blue is an excellent choice for those initial stages when babies are just starting to explore movement. Their shoes are designed to protect and nurture little feet, allowing them to move naturally.
  4. Hush Puppies: Known for their comfortable and stylish shoes, Hush Puppies offers a range of children’s footwear that combines functionality with fashion. They provide durable options that are great for active kids.
  5. Bobux: This New Zealand brand is popular in the UK and globally for its child-friendly designs. Bobux focuses on shoes that support natural foot development, making them a great choice for parents concerned about healthy foot growth.
  6. Vivobarefoot: If you’re looking for barefoot-friendly options, Vivobarefoot is a leading name. They offer minimalist designs that mimic the natural shape and function of the foot, promoting better balance and sensory connection.
  7. Froddo: A brand known for its eco-friendly and sustainable approach to children’s footwear. Froddo shoes are crafted with natural materials and are designed to offer comfort and durability for young, growing feet.
  8. Pediped: Offering a range of shoes that are approved by the American Podiatric Medical Association, Pediped focuses on promoting healthy foot development. Their shoes come in various styles and sizes, suitable for different age groups.

These brands, available in the UK and globally, provide a wide range of options for parents looking for the best footwear for their children.

From soft leather shoes for babies to more structured options for toddlers, these brands cover a spectrum of needs and preferences, ensuring there’s something for every child’s foot.

Sizing and When to Move Up

Always opt for shoes that come in half sizes and offer a good option for growth. It’s often tempting to buy larger sizes, but the right size ensures the right shoes for your child’s current stage.

An often overlooked but crucial aspect of ensuring the right fit for your baby’s shoes is regularly checking their foot size.

Babies’ feet grow can at an astonishing rate, especially in their first three years. It’s recommended to measure your baby’s feet every 6 to 8 weeks during their first couple of years to ensure their shoes are not becoming too snug.

Keep in mind that even a few millimeters can make a big difference in comfort and foot development. This frequent checking is vital as tight shoes can hinder natural foot growth and impede their walking progress.

Most shoe stores offer professional measuring services, but you can also do it at home with a ruler and size chart.

measuring toddler feet at the shoe store

Wearing a well-fitting shoe is key to supporting those precious first steps and beyond. Regular size checks ensure your little one’s feet have the room they need to grow and develop healthily.

Choosing the best baby shoes for your early walker is a journey in itself. Remember, the right pair of baby’s first shoes can make a world of difference in your child’s walking experience.

Keep in mind that every child’s feet are unique, and what works best for one may not for another. Here’s to happy, healthy walking adventures for your little explorer!

the best shoes for babies to learn to walk in

So, embrace these moments, cherish the milestones, and know that whether you choose soft soles, barefoot time, or the snazziest little toddler shoes, you’re doing an amazing job. Here’s to those little feet making big steps in the world, and to us, guiding them along the way.

And there you have it, the lowdown on finding the perfect pair of shoes for your baby’s walking adventures. Remember, as parents, we’re all in this beautiful, sometimes chaotic journey together. Whether you’re a first-time parent or a seasoned pro like myself, each step our children take is a reminder of the ever-changing nature of parenthood.  

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Anna Marikar, mum of four and seasoned blogger, has spent over a decade sharing her parenting journey and passion for kid-friendly crafts and free printables.
Her easy-to-follow craft ideas and practical parenting advice have transformed In The Playroom into a cherished resource for parents.

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