Seven Autism Parenting Tips You Cannot Overlook

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By Luciana Oliveira

Parenthood is one of the most beautiful experiences in life. It is a journey filled with surprises and challenges. One such endeavor can be raising a child with autism. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), it is a reality that the parents of every 1 in 36 children have to live with.

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a lifelong chronic condition that can be a challenge to cater to initially. However, the silver lining is that you can work with your child to raise them whole, making progress to ensure their productive and independent life.

Here are some of the best parenting tips for parents with autistic children.

  1. Accept the Uniqueness

Every child is unique in their own way. While parents are usually able to mold the personalities of their children at an early age, making their autistic children adapt to changes by forcing or implementing can rarely yield any beneficial results.

Some children with autism like being shy and quiet, while others express better when they are loud. The worst you can do to suppress your child’s healthy growth is to compare them with other children or relatives their age.

Accepting the way your child is their own individual as early as possible can help you understand the needs of your child and strengthen your mutual bond.

  1. Educate Yourself

Even with every 1 in 36 children being autistic, many parents can agree that they are not confident enough to say that they have all the information there is on autism. It is a developmental disorder that still has a lot to be learned about.

You do not need to learn everything about autism to raise your child and give them an independent life. Instead, the best thing to do is to learn autism parenting tips from the most reliable resources. They can help you stay informed as a parent and incorporate best practices in your lifestyle.

You can also join communities on autism parenting where you can openly share your struggles, authenticate your sources, and follow the advice from experts on the subject. In addition, it can feel great to be around people on the same journey as you.

  1. Create a Schedule

One important thing that most parents with autistic children learn in life is that sticking to a schedule is always a good idea. Children with autism love an unhindered routine and can learn effectively in certain environments.

As a parent of an autistic child, you can create a meaningful change for all parties involved by creating a schedule with every little detail about your child’s day. From waking up to study time, meal times, and bedtime, do not hesitate to add every big and small detail.

An unhindered routine can uplift the moods of children with autism. Even if there are changes in the schedule, you can tone down their reaction by mentally preparing them for unexpected circumstances as soon as possible. This way, they can take their time to adapt to changes.

  1. Create a Safe Space

Certainty and consistency go hand in hand while raising a child with autism. Once you find a healthy balance between the both, you can get a hold of parenting an autistic child. Creating a safe space for your autistic child can differ for every child, depending on their needs.

You can provide your child with an organized space to feel free and express themselves fully. To make the environment even more comfortable, you can add their most loved sensory toys, such as a weighted blanket, fidget toys, or a plush toy.

According to studies, children with autism can communicate and function more effectively when they are in a safe and comfortable environment. Hence, parents start to see a change in their child’s behavior right after providing them with a safe space.

  1. Remain Calm and Collected

Working with an autistic child without losing your cool is easier said than done. No one can understand your struggle unless they have been in your shoes. Dealing with tantrums, filling in communication gaps, and explaining your child’s outbursts to strangers are just some of the struggles faced by parents of autistic children every day.

In such circumstances, losing your edge can seem like a possibility at any minute. One may think that letting the frustration out will feel good, but regret can settle in even before those words leave your mouth. Therefore, it is important to calculate every word before you let it out.

You can learn some breathing exercises and relaxation techniques to stay collected even in the most challenging circumstances. Remember that approaching your autistic child with empathy is always the best way to strengthen your mutual bond.

  1. Reward Good Behavior

Parents with autistic children know the power of positive reinforcement better than any other parent. They understand that enforcing a wanted behavior with a catch can lead their child to exhibit the behavior they want to see for their well-being.

Whether the catch is words of praise or a chocolate bar for your child, make sure that you reward them in some way when they display the change you want to see in them. An incentive will help them stay more engaged with you and follow your advice for your mutual benefit.

Remember that connecting with your child does not always have to be through words, especially if dialogue makes it harder for your connection. You can use a certain tone of voice or display body language that makes them feel the most comfortable in a two-way interaction.

  1. Care for Yourself

With so much responsibility on their shoulders, parents of children with autism often find themselves out of time for self-care. Unfortunately, many agree that they often feel on the verge of a breakdown. Going through the same struggle every day can emotionally and physically exhaust you. 

Even If for 15 minutes every day, it is crucial to make time for yourself. Remember that you can only care for your child effectively if you are mentally and physically healthy.

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Luciana joined our team as a mum blogger in 2020. A dedicated mum to a lively daughter and a dog, Luna, Luciana brings authenticity and passion to every post. Her expertise in parenting and lifestyle topics offers practical, relatable advice for real-life situations.

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