Raising Kids Who Have A Healthy Self Image: Handy Tips For Health-Conscious Parents

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By Luciana Oliveira

The interplay of traditional values and modern influences, especially from social media and popular culture, continually shape and reshape young minds. The omnipresence of media, with its potent mix of reality and often-unrealistic ideals, has made it even more essential for parents to be proactive. We are not just fostering the next generation; we are nurturing souls that should be capable of viewing themselves with love, respect, and clarity, irrespective of the external pressures they face.

Open Dialogue

Children grapple with many queries, and their perception of themselves is often interwoven with their surroundings and feedback. By ensuring they have a safe space to voice their concerns, we can guide them through potential confusions. Answer their questions honestly, be it about body changes, societal norms, or peer pressure.

Proactively initiate conversations about self-worth, beauty standards, and individuality. Addressing these topics early and often helps you arm them with knowledge and insights that can help combat any negative influences they may encounter.

Diverse Beauty Standards

The media’s portrayal of beauty is often narrow, sidelining myriad body shapes, tones, and textures. Broadening their horizon to encompass diverse beauty ideals is essential. Share stories, films, and books that applaud different appearances and cultures, showing them that beauty is a mosaic of elements.

Involve them in activities or workshops that celebrate diversity. Whether it’s an art class, a cultural festival, or a community event, these experiences will help them appreciate and embrace differences, enriching their understanding of beauty.

Focus on Abilities

While appearance is an aspect of identity, abilities define a person’s prowess and potential. Applaud their efforts in varied fields, be it sports, arts, or academic pursuits. Recognising and valuing their achievements helps them realise that their worth is multidimensional.

Introduce them to role models across different fields. Knowing about people who have excelled in various areas, not just based on appearance, can inspire them to chase their dreams and cultivate a deeper sense of self-worth.

Media Literacy

Digital age children are bombarded with images, many of which are digitally enhanced. While teaching them about the behind-the-scenes alterations is crucial, it’s equally vital to discuss the implications of these unreal standards on self-perception and societal norms.

Supplement this by promoting content creators or influencers who focus on authenticity and real-life content. Seeing influential figures debunking beauty myths or showcasing raw, unfiltered content can be a refreshing change for young minds.

Encourage Physical Activity

Physical activities aren’t just fitness routines; they’re celebrations of our bodily capabilities. Enrolling them in activities they’re passionate about, be it team sports, dance, or martial arts, can boost their confidence manifold. When they witness their body’s strength, flexibility, or endurance, they develop a newfound appreciation for it.

Fitness activities also provide them with opportunities to collaborate, face challenges, and achieve goals, further reinforcing a positive self-image. Their achievements, big or small, can be pivotal in building resilience and self-worth.

Lead by Example

Our actions often speak louder than our words. Children, with their keen observational skills, easily pick up on our habits, beliefs, and self-perceptions. By leading a balanced lifestyle, being conscious of our dietary choices, and maintaining a positive relationship with our own bodies, we lay a robust foundation for our kids. It’s not about attaining perfection, but about fostering respect for oneself, a lesson children will carry with them.

When kids see us addressing challenges head-on, be it a tough workout routine or managing stress, they absorb the values of resilience and determination. Celebrate your small victories, and they will learn to cherish their own. Try to put a positive attitude forward when discussing your feelings on your body. Often the best way to do this is by genuinely feeling it. Consider options like Orlistat from the Independent Pharmacy which can, with a healthy diet and regular exercise, aid in weight loss. 

Healthy Eating Habits

A nourishing diet forms the cornerstone of overall wellbeing. By steering them towards balanced meals and fostering informed food choices, we ensure they view food as fuel, not just indulgence. Equipped with nutritional knowledge, they can make decisions that serve their body best.

Involving them in the cooking process from an early age can further their understanding. Crafting meals together, experimenting with ingredients, and understanding the nutritional benefits can foster a healthy relationship with food.

Avoid Comparison

It can often feel like life is a constant competition, particularly with social media to contend with. Children often gauge their worth through comparisons. Reinforcing their unique journey, attributes, and pace is essential. By celebrating their individual milestones, we can deter the pitfalls of unhealthy comparison.

Share stories or instances where unconventional paths or late bloomers have achieved remarkable success. Such narratives can reinforce the idea that everyone’s journey is distinct, and comparing timelines can be futile. It goes without saying that you should do your best to avoid comparing your kids to others, or even comparing yourself to others when they’re around – kids will take on board more than you might think. 

Positive Affirmations

Words wield the power to shape perceptions. By inculcating a habit of daily positive affirmations, we lay the groundwork for a sturdy self-image. These affirmations, tailored to their needs, can act as daily reminders of their worth, potential, and attributes.

Create visual reminders around their living spaces. Be it post-it notes on mirrors, custom wallpapers, or even affirmation cards, having tangible reminders can fortify their belief in themselves.

Surround with Positivity

An uplifting environment plays a decisive role in moulding a child’s self-worth. Surrounding them with peers, mentors, and family members who resonate positivity ensures they receive consistent affirmations and constructive feedback.

Curate their media consumption when you can. Opt for shows, books, or games that underline values, resilience, and positive character development. These subtle reinforcements can greatly influence their developing self-perception.

Discuss Changes

Puberty, with its myriad changes, can be a challenging phase. By addressing these transformations with empathy and knowledge, we can alleviate many of their apprehensions. Preparing them for these changes ensures they embrace them with confidence and understanding.

Additionally, share personal anecdotes or stories about navigating these changes. Often, knowing that everyone undergoes similar experiences can provide solace and a sense of camaraderie.

Seek Professional Guidance

Despite our best efforts, there might be times when professional intervention becomes necessary. Recognising these moments and seeking timely guidance can be pivotal. Therapists or counsellors can provide customised strategies, ensuring our child navigates their concerns effectively.

It’s also worthwhile to attend workshops or sessions aimed at bolstering self-image and confidence. These platforms, designed by experts, offer tools, activities, and insights that can be invaluable for both parents and children.


The journey of nurturing a child’s self-image is intricate and multi-faceted, much like piecing together an intricate puzzle. Each piece, whether it’s a conversation about body image, a celebration of their talents, or even seeking external guidance when needed, contributes to the bigger picture. As guardians of their young minds, our consistent efforts, understanding, and unwavering support become the bedrock on which they build their perception.

With every step taken in the right direction, we pave the way for them to emerge as individuals brimming with self-confidence and a deep-rooted understanding of their intrinsic worth. Embracing this role with both hands, we can look forward to a brighter, more confident future for our children.

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Luciana joined our team as a mum blogger in 2020. A dedicated mum to a lively daughter and a dog, Luna, Luciana brings authenticity and passion to every post. Her expertise in parenting and lifestyle topics offers practical, relatable advice for real-life situations.

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