Jingle All the Way to Safety: Secure Your Nursery With the Best WiFi Smart Monitors

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By Luciana Oliveira

Welcoming a new baby can be overwhelming, as they can significantly change your life. It’s typical for parents to feel anxious about their baby’s safety, especially those new to parenthood. 

Of course, keeping your little ones safe from the moment they’re born is normal. While you might want to monitor them closely, you can’t do that around the clock. But thanks to technological advancements, monitoring your baby’s well-being 24/7 is now possible. 

With a baby monitor, you can watch over them even when you’re not in the room. It’s an indispensable tool, particularly for new parents still adjusting to the early months of parenthood. 

So, which baby monitor is the safest and most reliable? A WiFi smart baby monitor is among today’s most popular and secure monitoring devices, with different models available.

This article discusses what to look for to help parents like you make an informed decision when buying a smart baby monitor. It also covers a few safety tips when using the device. 

Features of the Best WiFi Smart Baby Monitors

Handpicking the right baby monitor can be daunting, given the wide range of options. Generally, you must consider factors such as your living space, personality, and parenting style. To help narrow down your search, look for the following features: 

Real-time video monitoring

A notable attribute of smart baby monitors is their capability for real-time video monitoring. The device should allow you to monitor your baby’s activities in real time, at any hour of the day or night. 

Sound and motion detection

Sound and motion detection capabilities enhance the smart baby monitor’s responsiveness. This feature alerts you whenever your baby cries, moves, or wakes up, enabling you to attend to their needs quickly. 

Room temperature sensor

A room temperature sensor is another critical feature to have in a baby monitor. It lets you detect temperature changes in the crib, even the slightest ones, ensuring your baby is neither too hot nor cold.  

Two-way communication

The two-way communication feature is also worth considering. It lets you comfort your baby remotely by speaking to them through the monitor. It’s a great way to calm the child down and ease their separation anxiety. 

Range and zoom capabilities

If you live in a large home, you’d want to ensure the baby monitor can pick up a signal even when you’re far away from the baby’s room. Look for a monitor with appropriate capabilities for your home’s configuration. The zoom capabilities are also valuable to check for subtle signs of discomfort. 

Safety Tips To Remember When Using a WiFi Smart Baby Monitor

While high-tech video baby monitors improve the convenience of tracking your little one in real time, these innovations also come with security concerns. 

When misused, baby monitors can cause problems. It’s crucial to note that they are not a replacement for parental supervision. Keep these safe tips in mind when using a WiFi smart baby monitor: 

Device physical security

Physical security is vital for baby monitor safety. Ensure the device is placed or installed correctly, preferably near the crib. 

There should not be any cords, wires, or other potential choking hazards within three feet of the baby’s cribs. Make all cords out of reach of children and potential intruders. Secure the cables with cord covers if you want to mount or place the monitor on the wall. 

Setup and installation

A secure WiFi connection ensures security when setting up a smart baby monitor. Use a strong and unique password for your home network. Avoid using common or easily guessable phrases. Utilizing WPA2 or WPA3 encryption protocols is also advisable for additional protection.

Network security

Consider using a VPN when accessing the smart baby monitor remotely via a smartphone or computer. It encrypts your internet connection, providing an additional layer of security. Once activated, it will act as a middleman between you and the internet, hiding your location and identity. This will protect your baby monitor’s data from unauthorized access. 

Regular software updates

Regularly updating the baby monitor’s software is vital for maintaining security against cyberattacks. You can check the manufacturer’s site for the latest security updates. They usually release software updates to enhance the baby monitor’s performance and rectify potential vulnerabilities. 

One Last Note

There’s no one-size-fits-all device to monitor your child. Your home setup, sleep arrangements, and concerns may differ from those of other parents. Some features may be helpful for others but not beneficial for you when watching over your little one. 

Before looking for a baby monitor for your nursery, take the time to consider what specific factors make the most sense for your situation. If you need more guidance on using the baby monitor safely, you can discuss it with your child’s pediatrician.

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Luciana joined our team as a mum blogger in 2020. A dedicated mum to a lively daughter and a dog, Luna, Luciana brings authenticity and passion to every post. Her expertise in parenting and lifestyle topics offers practical, relatable advice for real-life situations.

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