Child Moved Out For Uni? What Your Options Are?

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By Luciana Oliveira

If you have children, you may dread the day they move out. This day may come sooner than you expect for those interested in university.

Considering September marks the start of a new academic year, students going off to universities and parents becoming distressed seeing their nests getting empty, it’s normal for Britons to hop online and try to find out more about how to cope best with all these changes.

Last year, there was an 86% spike in search for ’empty nest syndrome’ in September compared to August, with previous years seeing even bigger increases of up to 125% during the same month.

The trend shows a decrease in October, but it’s not until November that the number of searches go back to the August average.

This further suggests the jump is mostly related to parents being distressed about their children moving away as they start university, many of them leaving home for an extended period of time for the first time in their life.

We will explore what your options should be following your child moving out. We will also hear from an expert on this, Dr Ranj, an ambassador for Furniture Village, for practical advice.

Deal With Empty Nest Syndrome

Empty nest syndrome is the name given to the sadness and loss many parents experience when their children move out. Whether they leave home to go to university, get married or for a new job, empty nesters can find it difficult to adjust to their new life without kids around.

After almost 20 years of life spent together in the same home, it’s common for mothers to feel a sense of lost purpose now that the kids are out of the house.

This is why the syndrome often affects women more. As their identity becomes tied to motherhood, the moment children fly the nest marks a sudden change in their role and responsibilities. 

Although the empty nest syndrome is quite common, it’s often not recognised, and the symptoms can remain unaddressed for years.

After all, kids becoming grown-ups and starting their own lives is a normal part of life. Unfortunately, because of this, the signs can be easily dismissed.

The kids are out of the house. Now what? “Fortunately, there are many ways to adjust and make the most out of this new phase in your life, starting with a shift in your focus”, according to Dr Ranj.

“Instead of feeling that life as you know it is over, parents can embrace the exciting possibilities ahead”. Here are what many empty nesters are up to:

Discovering new hobbies and tapping into old ones: from pottery-making to calligraphy, photography and bird watching, the list of exciting activities parents can try is endless.

“Volunteering is also a fantastic way to keep occupied and stimulated, as well as being great for mental wellbeing”.

Travelling the world or exploring their local area more: for parents who are retired, this is the time to get their bucket lists out and start crossing out their dream destinations.

“You don’t have to go far as there are so many beautiful and interesting places to visit across the UK, especially if you are being budget-conscious”.

More “me time”: exercising, getting massages, eating healthier and reading more are all amazing ways for parents to look after themselves.

“Doing group exercise activities are a much more motivating way to stay fit and healthy, and meet new people”.

Joining local clubs: movie and book clubs are some of the most fun ways to meet new people, including fellow empty nesters.

Sticking to a sleep schedule: empty nesters will find it easier to come up with their own schedule, with the kids out of the house.

A great tip is to make sure a good rest is a priority by sticking to a sleep schedule.

This will keep energy levels up, reduce worrying, which can be more intense due to bad sleep, and support good mental health.

Repurpose Their Old Room

The first thing you will notice after your children have moved out is that your house feels a lot emptier.

This doesn’t have to be a sad time; instead, you could use this as an opportunity. With their old rooms, you could transform it, either temporarily or permanently. 

Having all that empty, extra space that was once filled with laughter, mess, and perhaps even mood swings, can make the absence feel even stronger. So, it might be best to repurpose the extra space into something that will be used. 

There will be a few options available to you, depending on what you’re looking for, and we will list some examples below.

Guest bedroom

Repurposing your children’s bedroom into a guest bedroom can ease the loneliness after they move out, by making it easier to host guests. This way, there’s still plenty of space for your children to come home and visit too.

You don’t necessarily have to remove everything from their bedroom, but you can enhance it. You can find useful pieces of furniture that could be fit for purpose for your new guest bedroom from Furniture Village.

This can help you transform the room while still keeping the charm that came before your child moved out.

Home Office

Perhaps you’ve wanted to create a home office for some time, with hybrid working becoming the norm. Now is the perfect time to make your children’s old bedrooms into your dream working space.

You can find home office furniture from Furniture Village to sort the room, and get you everything you would need.

Ensure you purchase comfortable office chairs and find desks and office storage solutions that suit your style. Maybe leave the bed for when your child comes home from time to time. 


When parents have an empty room, a popular option is to turn it into a home gym. This doesn’t mean you need to transform it into a professional gym completely, you just need to utilise the empty space with some equipment.

Some examples include a treadmill, but you could also just use the space for a yoga mat and some free weights. 


You must look after yourself once your child has moved out of home. They will have plenty of resources and support on their end, and it’s important to focus on yourself.

Think of the things you want to do, and consider repurposing their own room. Speak out if you’re struggling, you don’t have to be alone.

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Luciana joined our team as a mum blogger in 2020. A dedicated mum to a lively daughter and a dog, Luna, Luciana brings authenticity and passion to every post. Her expertise in parenting and lifestyle topics offers practical, relatable advice for real-life situations.

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