Challenging Your Interior Design Preconceptions

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By In The Playroom

There’s no shame in having strong opinions, especially in matters of taste. That just shows you have character, personality, and preference – to us, there’s nothing to apologize for in that. It’s worth considering, however, that your tastes can shift over time.

You may have found the taste of olives less than appealing in childhood, but in adulthood, you can’t get enough of them.

The same could be said for interior design. It may be that as you’ve gotten older, you’re starting to see the clean comfort in minimalist decoration. Perhaps you’re now starting to let go of your perfectionist streak, hoping to design more naturally without laboring over every ornament placement.

No matter your approach, it’s always good to challenge your preconceptions and think of a new way. This helps you explore your taste as opposed to overriding them, just as trying new cuisine around the world can only help expand your palate. With that in mind, you may consider some of the following advice:

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Flirt With Philosophies

There are many interior design philosophies out there. We’ve already mentioned minimalism, and of course, its opposite, maximalism, is also popular.

You may consider Feng Shui, a method of redirecting emotional energies around a space (even if you don’t believe in this, it’s fun to consider).

You can even play with certain styles in your own home, such as implementing false beams to help your country home seem a little more rustic, or implementing beautiful wallpaper to see a floral design add some flavor to the space, rather than simple and neutral painted walls.

When you flirt with philosophies, you feel more connected to the space you’re managing.

Consider Functional Decors

Functional decors is absolutely essential to consider, because we can too often think that an item is either decorative or functional, but the line can be blurred significantly.

For example, pull-out corner drawers, side tables that can be pulled out, a fireplace that actually serves as a fireplace or wall heater, and blinds that help you decide on the exact degree of privacy and natural light you’d rather have at that time.

Smart home features can also be helpful, like those that close your curtains for you or alter your rear-mounted lighting based on the current content displayed by your television.

Re-approach Dismissed Designs

It’s very easy to hold onto a believe you made years ago, perhaps even decades ago. Maybe you decided you don’t like lemons in childhood (they would be quite sour for a young person’s palate), and so you’ve ignored them up until now.

Then you grill some lovely fish and squeeze a few drops, wondering why you’ve deprived yourself for so long.

The same could be said for interior design. Maybe the last exposed brickwork effort you tried just didn’t work because the space was lit incorrectly, or perhaps your last shag carpet was harder to keep clean because of having small children and pets around.

It’s important to reassess your tastes, and consider how to challenge yourself. It may be that you fall in love with an old design all over again.

With this advice, you’re sure to challenge your interior design preconceptions through and through, which is a sign of homeowner maturity.

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Anna Marikar, mum of four and seasoned blogger, has spent over a decade sharing her parenting journey and passion for kid-friendly crafts and free printables.
Her easy-to-follow craft ideas and practical parenting advice have transformed In The Playroom into a cherished resource for parents.

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