Being a Single Female in the 21st Century

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By Luciana Oliveira

It wasn’t that long ago. If a woman wasn’t married before 30, people began to wonder what was wrong with her. Women couldn’t even get a mortgage and buy a house. 

It seemed that a woman’s identity was tied to her husband’s, and her purpose was to ensure that home was a secure, happy, and comfortable place for him.

As the saying goes, “We’ve come a long way baby.” But the best part of it all is that being a single female is no longer a stigma. 

Women have so many options today. They can pursue a career of their own choosing; they can adopt a child if they wish; they can travel solo; no one looks askance if they stop at a bar for a drink on the way home from work.

Quite a number of current studies of single women report that they enjoy the following:

  • Having a larger social circle of strong relationships than married women, and nurturing those relationships throughout their lifetimes.
  • Being more optimistic and less stressed.
  • Being involved in volunteering and supporting social causes more than married women.
  • Getting better education.
  • Having a healthier body mass
  • Being more focused on self-development

They may date and find love and all that is a part of that, but they do not feel pressured to marry. Also, they may enjoy sex without the “shame” that was formerly assigned to it. So let’s unpack some of these details in greater detail.

You Have Autonomy

You are totally in charge of your life and all decisions that you make, from small things such as what to have for dinner or when to go to bed, to much larger things – how to spend your money and where you want to live.

You can pursue your career dreams and goals, focusing on meaningful work as opposed to just a paycheck, because you are only financially responsible for yourself.

You Can Pursue Passion Projects

Your free time is all yours. It allows you to engage in self-development through more schooling, to start your own side business, or to become involved in causes that are dear to your heart.

You are more available to help out friends, relatives, and coworkers, and that’s a great feeling.

You Choose How to Live

Do you enjoy the peace and quiet of being alone after a long day? Then you have the freedom to live by yourself.

Do you enjoy having someone else around? Then find a compatible roommate and set up a house, sharing bills and responsibilities.

Do you want to live alone but with lots of other singles around for an active social life? Many single women move into apartment and condo complexes where their single friends already live and have a social community.

You Are Free to Follow Where Your Career Takes You

When women are married, they must take into consideration their spouses if they are offered promotions that involve travel or relocation. Many married couples do handle separations of these kinds, but it does take its toll.

As a single, you are free to pursue career advancement wherever it may take you.

Above All, You Have a Choice

No one in this century is trying to discourage women from marriage. For some women, marriage, and family, is what they want, and they find that life very satisfying. 

But single life is also a choice, and no woman in this century has to feel that she is somehow less of a woman for choosing this lifestyle. If you choose to be single, good for you. You have an entire world and life of choices ahead of you.

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Luciana joined our team as a mum blogger in 2020. A dedicated mum to a lively daughter and a dog, Luna, Luciana brings authenticity and passion to every post. Her expertise in parenting and lifestyle topics offers practical, relatable advice for real-life situations.

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