Baby On The Way? 5 Tips To Declutter Your Home For This Moment 

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By Luciana Oliveira

If you’re expecting a new addition to your family, it’s vital to declutter your home before the little one arrives.

After all, it can be difficult enough adjusting to life with a newborn – why not make the transition easier by creating a neat and organised space? Here are five tips for getting your house ready for the baby:

1 – Time to say goodbye for a few items

Before the arrival of the baby, it is very important that you evaluate which items in your home you no longer use.

When you have a newborn at home, space is essential for the mother and the baby, so avoid keeping things that you don’t need anymore.

Donate what you can and start recycling when possible, and throw away the rest.

Also, when you are expecting a baby, you need to pay attention to some items that in your eyes can be safe, but when there is a baby at home, it can become dangerous.

For example, paintings and decoration vases, depending on the location of these items, may end up falling and causing an accident.

It is best to keep these items away from areas where the baby will be moving, or store them until the baby is older.

In addition, some objects can accumulate a lot of dust over time and favour the proliferation of mites, which can end up causing serious allergies in the baby.

The same goes for stuffed animals, prevent them from staying in the crib and clean them frequently.

2 –  Store what you don’t use too often with container storage

Letting go of all your items can be difficult and sometimes getting rid of all your stuff is not an option.

That’s why investing in self storage space can be the perfect solution when there’s a baby on the way.

A good option is container storage, in addition to being an affordable and safer option, most of them offer drive up and 24/7 access, which gives you the option to access your items when you need them and you won’t have to use stairs or elevators to store your things.

If you are considering container storage to store your things in the baby’s first months at home but don’t know how much space you need, the Local Storage website offers a size guide tool where you can find out which type and size of the container is ideal for your items, check it here.

Also, Local Storage can assist you in finding the right storage solution near your home, whether it’s short-term or long-term storage. 

3 – Create a space for the baby

When you know that your home will host a new family member, it is important to create an area specifically reserved for the little one.

This doesn’t mean that you need to dedicate to them one of the rooms in your house, but having at least a small corner designated as the baby’s area can be beneficial.

It is also important to keep the baby’s items away from those of the adults, especially when it comes to bedding and toys.

When designing this space, it is essential to define an area for them to play, and another one for their sleeping needs.

Consider using soft colours and pleasant textures for the baby’s area.

Soft fabrics and cushions on the floor where you can sit with your child are a great addition, as well as mobiles that hang from the ceiling.

Additionally, don’t forget to invest in some storage solutions for the baby’s room such as shelves and baskets to hold toys and clothes. 

4 – Keep safety in mind

Safety should always come first when there is a baby at home, so make sure that all the necessary safety measures are taken.

Make sure furniture is properly fixed to the floors and walls, that outlets have covers, and that all cleaning products are out of their reach. It’s also important to check for any potential hazards around the kitchen. 

Also, don’t forget to buy some essential safety items to have around the house, such as plug protectors. 

5 – Make a clean schedule

Cleaning the spaces is also an important part of decluttering your home. 

Having a newborn at home greatly increases the amount of time you need to spend on cleaning and can be quite overwhelming.

To make it easier, create an action plan with a cleaning schedule that fits your needs.

When making this plan, consider allocating specific tasks to different family members or even hiring help for some activities if needed.

When it comes to cleaning, assign tasks such as dusting and vacuuming to different days of the week. 


Organising your home for a new baby can be overwhelming, and it is important to remember that you also need to take care of yourself.

Avoiding too much stress is essential in this period when you are preparing for the arrival of a new family member.

Make sure to have moments for yourself, where you can relax and recharge your batteries.

This will help you to stay focused on the task at hand and make sure that everything is ready for when the baby comes home.

Finally, try to take these steps a few months before the baby arrives, leaving everything for the last minute can be really stressful and if you need, don’t hesitate to ask for help from family members.

By following these tips, you will be able to have an organised and safe home ready for your baby’s arrival.

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Luciana joined our team as a mum blogger in 2020. A dedicated mum to a lively daughter and a dog, Luna, Luciana brings authenticity and passion to every post. Her expertise in parenting and lifestyle topics offers practical, relatable advice for real-life situations.

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