7 Steps to Kickstart Your Journey as an Au Pair

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By Luciana Oliveira

Becoming an au pair offers a unique opportunity to experience life abroad while providing childcare. If you’re considering becoming an au pair, proper planning and preparation will get your journey off to a smooth start.

How to become the best au pair? Follow these seven steps to kickstart your experience so you can hit the ground running when you arrive at your host family’s home.

1. Choose a Destination Country

First, select a destination country that aligns with your goals and interests. Key factors to consider include language, culture, proximity to major cities or attractions, and availability of au pair opportunities.

Make a shortlist of your top choices and research each one thoroughly. Obtaining some familiarity with your destination’s customs, values, and daily life is advised to ease the transition.

2. Find an Au Pair Agency

Reputable au pair agencies facilitate the matching process between au pairs and host families. Browse agencies specific to your country of choice and compare services offered. Look for rigorous vetting of host families, training for au pairs, and support throughout placements. Register with an agency that will set you up for success.  

3. Prepare Application Materials

Work with your selected agency to assemble required application materials including a detailed resume, introductory letter to families, photos, references, personality questionnaires, and proof of identity or eligibility to work as an au pair in your chosen country. Highlight relevant childcare experience and enthusiasm to immerse in a new culture. 

4. Get Organized with Checklists

Once matched with a host family, use checklists to get organized. Make lists for key tasks like obtaining a passport and visa, arranging travel, packing necessities, brushing up on the language, and reviewing family rules or expectations.

Checklists prevent forgetting important to-do’s during this busy preparation period. Looking for au pair jobs? Click here

5. Complete Agency and Immigration Requirements

Follow your agency’s and destination country’s requirements prior to departure. This may involve obtaining a special visa, taking introductory child development classes, getting a medical exam, enrolling in insurance plans, filling out paperwork, or attending an orientation. Ensure you meet all obligations well in advance of your departure date.

6. Communicate with the Host Family

Reach out to your host family via email or video chat to establish rapport before you arrive. Get to know each other by sharing interests, asking questions, and discussing expectations.

Familiarizing yourself with the family’s dynamic and schedule will make the transition smoother when you arrive. Discuss logistics like airport pickup.

7. Travel and Arrive Prepared

When departure day arrives, travel equipped with necessities like passport and visa paperwork, medical insurance card, emergency funds, contact info for the family and agency, and carry-on items with extra clothes and any medications needed.

To limit jet lag, try to adjust sleep schedule in advance to match time zone of your destination. Upon arrival, overcome culture shock by resting before your au pair duties begin.


By selecting a destination, finding an agency, diligently preparing application materials, getting organized with checklists, fulfilling pre-departure requirements, communicating with your host family, and thoughtfully planning your travel, you can embark on your au pair experience with confidence.

With proactive planning and support from your agency, you’ll be ready to comfortably integrate into your new host family while you embark on this life-changing adventure abroad.

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Luciana joined our team as a mum blogger in 2020. A dedicated mum to a lively daughter and a dog, Luna, Luciana brings authenticity and passion to every post. Her expertise in parenting and lifestyle topics offers practical, relatable advice for real-life situations.

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