What Size Shoes Do 1 Year Olds Wear? Guide to Toddler Shoe Sizing

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By In The Playroom

When it comes to our little ones, every milestone is a celebration, especially when they’re taking their first steps. Finding the right shoes for your 1-year-old is crucial, not just for those memorable first steps but for their overall foot development.

It’s important to remember that you can’t just guess the size or rely on a one-size-fits-all chart; babies grow at different rates, and their feet are no exception.

So, take your child to be measured before you buy their first shoes. Many places also make this into a cute moment by even giving you a little certificate to take home with your toddler, which is adorable.

one year old shoe size guide

The right fit in toddler shoes is vital for your child’s comfort and development. Ill-fitting shoes can lead to foot problems like ingrown toenails or interfere with their natural walking pattern, which isn’t something any parent wants with their child’s little feet. That’s why it’s essential to get your baby’s feet measured regularly rather than relying on a size guide.

Why You Can’t Guess When It Comes to Baby Shoes

A common misunderstanding is thinking all 1-year-olds wear the same shoe size. However, from 12 to 24 months, a child’s shoe size can change dramatically. Some kids at 12 months are starting to walk, while others may not yet have taken their first steps. This variety is completely normal but the developmental stage does affect what type of shoe you should be looking for, as well as the size difference. 

one year old baby wearing shoes

If you have a 12 month old who is cruising but not yet walking independently, that’s totally normal but what you don’t want to do is put them in some heavy hard soled shoes that they are not developmentally ready for. 

Related: What are the Best Shoes for Baby to Learn to Walk in?

How to Measure Your Baby’s Feet Correctly

The best way to ensure you are getting the correct size for your toddler’s shoes is by measuring their feet accurately. Here’s how you can do this:

baby with shoes
  1. Visit a Shoe Store: It’s a good idea to take your child to a shoe store where professionals can measure their feet. This ensures you get the most accurate measurement and advice on the right shoe size and style for your baby.
  2. DIY Measurement at Home: If you prefer to measure at home, you’ll need a piece of paper, a pencil, and a measuring tape. Place your child’s foot on the paper and draw a line at the back of the heel and at the tip of their big toe. Measure the distance between these two points for the foot length.
  3. Use a Sizing Chart: With these measurements, you can refer to a baby shoe size chart, which typically lists sizes by age ranges but adjusts according to the length of your child’s foot.
one year old toddler with shoes and a tutu

Personally, I feel more comfortable and reassured having them measured in store, but sometimes getting to a store is not possible so you can use home measurements to check the size of your baby’s foot and get an accurate result too.

Make sure to measure both feet because it’s possible for two feet to be different sizes, so you want to double check in case one is a slightly larger size. If that’s the case and it’s just a slightly different size, you’ll want to go with the size of the larger foot to allow a little extra space. Then try on and check the shoes for fit once they arrive. 

one year old baby with shoes

Choosing the Right Shoes

When choosing shoes for your little one, look for soft, flexible soles that allow natural foot movement. Non-skid soles can help prevent slipping as your child learns to walk. For children who are not yet walking, soft shoes or even bare feet are ideal when indoors to allow for maximum flexibility.

Walking barefoot is great for the development of your child even once they’re already confidently walking. 

Remember, Feet Grow Fast!

baby shoes

Children’s feet grow in bursts, so it’s a good idea to check their shoe size at least every couple of months, or sooner if you notice them getting tighter on your toddler’s feet. Don’t be surprised if your little one needs a new pair of shoes within a short period!

Where Development Comes Into Play

Whether your child is walking or not by their first birthday, each child develops at their own pace. Choosing the right shoes can support their development, whether they’re taking their first steps or still cruising around furniture.

Whatever stage you’re at, measuring your child’s feet and choosing the right shoe size is crucial for their comfort and healthy development.

one year old baby with soft sole shoes

It’s not just about getting a pair of shoes that looks cute—it’s about ensuring those tiny feet have all they need to grow healthy and strong.

So, always opt for the best fit rather than the most adorable pair (although, luckily, sometimes you can have both!). Happy shoe shopping!

More Baby and Toddler Development

what size shoes do one year old baby wear
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Anna Marikar, mum of four and seasoned blogger, has spent over a decade sharing her parenting journey and passion for kid-friendly crafts and free printables.
Her easy-to-follow craft ideas and practical parenting advice have transformed In The Playroom into a cherished resource for parents.

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