When is the Best Age to Move a Child from a Cot to Their Own Bed?

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By In The Playroom

Making the decision to move your little one from a cot to their own bed can often be quite tricky. For many parents, moving a child into their own bed is necessary due to having a new baby on the way who is going to need the cot, or just because of the simple fact that the child is outgrowing the cot and needs a little more sleeping space. Unfortunately, there is no set age where a child should be moved from a cot to a bed – it tends to vary depending on the actual child and a lot of other factors.

tips on transitioning your toddler from cot to bed

Safety Issues

For most parents, the decision to move a baby from a cot to their own bed is due to safety issues. If your little one is now big enough to climb out of the cot and you are worried about them falling and hurting themselves during the night, it’s probably time to move them into their own bed. Having a bed means that they’ll easily be able to get in and out by themselves, but as most first beds for children are designed to be quite low to the floor, there’s a much lower chance of them causing any damage if they get out or accidentally fall out during the night. Bed guards are also available to keep them from rolling over the edge of the bed and give you peace of mind. This Burgess Hill bed store can help you find the perfect bed for your child.

New Baby

If you have a new baby on the way, it’s probably time to start thinking about moving big brother or sister into their own bed so that the new arrival can move into the cot as soon as they are born. Child psychologists recommend moving your older child into their own bed a few months before your new baby is due. This will help them to adjust better to their sleeping arrangements, and won’t leave them feeling like they are being ‘replaced’ by a new little one who’s suddenly arrived and taken their bed. A new baby on the way can be an excellent reason for your little one to start sleeping in their own bed – after all, it’s what big brothers and sisters do!


The time that you choose to move your child into their own bed from a cot should be as stress-free as possible. Moving your child into a new bed during a house move, for example, is not often a good idea as children need things to be as consistent as possible especially when a lot of other things are changing around them. The best time to choose for making the switch from cot to bed is a normal night, where there is nothing else too exciting going on. It can also help to get your child excited for their big girl/boy bed by taking them to pick out bedding and new teddies, helping them to feel less anxious and associate the idea of their new bed with fun and security.

How old was your little one when they got their first bed? We’d love to hear from you in the comments.

Image: Shot of a crib in a scandinavian style baby room (modified) Shutterstock

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Anna Marikar, mum of four and seasoned blogger, has spent over a decade sharing her parenting journey and passion for kid-friendly crafts and free printables.
Her easy-to-follow craft ideas and practical parenting advice have transformed In The Playroom into a cherished resource for parents.

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