How to Deal With Bloating in Pregnancy

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By In The Playroom

The symptoms of tightness and swelling in the stomach, the uncomfortable feeling of heaviness and eventually the pain and cramping are all signs of bloating, and unfortunately it can be common during pregnancy. So let’a take a look at how to deal with it.

There are several factors that will contribute towards bloating such as diet, intestinal bacteria, yeast, medication and Irritable Bowel Syndrome or even your menstrual cycle.

There are many ways to deal with this problem and if you need instant relief then your pharmacy can provide medication that will help but if you are looking for a permanent cure then natural remedy treatments for bloating is what you need.

Experiencing bloating during pregnancy is one of the common symptoms many pregnant women encounter. This often-uncomfortable feeling in the abdominal cavity is primarily due to hormonal changes, specifically the increase in the hormone progesterone.

But the good news? There are effective ways to manage and reduce the discomfort associated with pregnancy gas and bloating.

how to handle pregnancy bloating

Table of Contents

Prevention Of Bloating

To prevent bloating will take very little effort on your part. All that’s required is you get the proper amount of exercise, drink plenty of water, watch what you eat and make fiber a big part of your diet.

Replacing large meals with smaller ones also helps to relieve bloating.

Don’t chew gum as it promotes the swallowing of unnecessary air that can add to your problem.

If you experience bloating and are already doing these things you can try some natural remedies that will not only help you at the present time but also in the future as a preventative.

Managing Bloating During Pregnancy: Tips And Remedies

Smaller, Frequent Meals

Instead of three big meals, opt for five to six small meals spread throughout the day. This prevents the digestive tract from being overloaded, promoting better digestion.

Boost Your Fiber Intake

A diet rich in whole grains, leafy greens, and fiber-rich foods like fruits can alleviate constipation and bloating. If needed, discuss with your healthcare provider about adding a fiber supplement.

Stay Hydrated

Drinking enough water aids in preventing constipation and water retention. Aim for 8-10 glasses of water daily. Limit fruit juice and sugary drinks to reduce your sugar intake.

Keep A Food Diary

By noting down what you eat, you can identify which foods trigger bloating and make necessary adjustments.

Limit Dairy and Gassy Foods:

Some women develop lactose intolerance during pregnancy. Monitor how dairy products affect you. Additionally, limiting cruciferous vegetables, beans, and carbonated drinks can decrease gas production.

Exercise Regularly

Gentle exercise like walking or swimming can help in releasing gas and improving digestion. It’s also a great way to boost mental health.

Avoid Tight Clothing:

As the baby bump grows, tight clothing can exacerbate bloating and discomfort.

Consult Your Healthcare Provider:

Always keep your health care provider informed about severe pain or any other unusual early pregnancy symptoms. Conditions like celiac disease or gastrointestinal infections can mimic pregnancy-related bloating.

Foods To Avoid for Pregnancy Bloating

If you want to eliminate bloating and have a healthy pregnancy there are lists of foods you can avoid such as

  • beans
  • cabbage
  • onions
  • Brussel sprouts
  • cauliflower and broccoli.
  • soft wheat’s such as bread.
  • apples
  • peaches
  • pears
  • prunes
  • corn
  • oats
  • potatoes
  • milk
  • ice cream
  • soft cheese.

This doesn’t mean you can’t ever have these foods again but instead try to have small portions of them with lots of time between ingesting them. Try to avoid any food with dairy in it. this will only exasperate your condition especially if you suffer from Irritable Bowel or if your lactose intolerant.

Helpful Food for Pregnancy Bloating

If you don’t want bloating there are good foods that can help the problem such as

  • rice
  • bananas
  • citrus
  • grapes
  • hard cheese unless you suffer from lactose intolerance
  • meat
  • eggs
  • peanut butter
  • non- carbonate drinks
  • yogurt that contains live bacteria.

These are just a few of the foods that can eliminate the symptoms of bloating. Any food with fibre will help with the problem of gas.

pregnancy bloating symptoms and tips


Probiotics are microorganisms that benefits and supports healthy intestines. Probiotics boost and replenish the good bacteria in the intestines, helps fight disease, parasites and restores normal bowel function. Probiotics can be found in foods such as kefir and yogurt and can also be purchased at the health store in capsules, powder or liquid form.


If bloating becomes a problem, there are many things you can try that are natural remedies such as chewing about three mint leaves which can bring relief in minutes. Mint can also be brewed into tea that will bring the same relief.

Angelicas Herb

Angelicas herb is wonderful. It will stimulate the digestive system and bring sweet relief from gas. It also has a calming effect on the nerves. Gentian is very useful for gastro intestinal inflammation.

Chamomile Tea

Chamomile tea is a wonderful herb for many things and it just happens to be excellent for bloating. Chamomile stimulates the gastric juices and is excellent for digestion.

Peppermint Tea

Peppermint tea is wonderful for bloating. It is soothing for you and also for your intestines. Drink a cup of Peppermint tea before you go to bed at night. this will help the gas as well as help you get a good nights sleep.

Ginger And Lime Juice For The Gastrointestinal Tract

Take a piece of ginger and grate it into a fine pulp. Mix this in a glass of lime juice and drink it. You will find fast relief with this mixture. Ginger tea is also very effective for bloating.

pregnancy bloating

Bloating and gas pain can be caused quite easily in some people, all it takes is the wrong kind of food and your stomach can react in a way that leaves you very uncomfortable.

If you suffer from bloating on a regular bases you should know that there could be a bigger problem than gas.

When bloating and severe abdominal pain becomes a persistent problem it is time to see your doctor. These home remedies for bloating are meant for common gas problems but never underestimate gas if you don’t find relief.

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Anna Marikar, mum of four and seasoned blogger, has spent over a decade sharing her parenting journey and passion for kid-friendly crafts and free printables.
Her easy-to-follow craft ideas and practical parenting advice have transformed In The Playroom into a cherished resource for parents.

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